Yup, i hate him even more

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"Oh God, Gemma?" Niall says just as Gemma tells me

"My boyfriends name is Niall"

The two just stare at eachother for a while. It's quite and it suddenly clicks. This boy standing infront of me is the one who hit my sister.

This is the guy that I hate, even more now.

This is the guy I am about to kill.

Niall starts to open his mouth to speak to Gemma, but before he gets the chance I have already punched him leaving him unconscious on the carpet.

"Harry!" Gemma says scolding me.

I turn and look at her flabbergasted. What does she expect me to do? Oh hi Niall! How was lunch? Good, well I just think you should apologize to my sister for hitting her, okay?

Yeah, how about no?!

"Gemma! He has hit you! I can't just let him get away with that!" I exclaim defending myself. She doesn't say anything, but instead rushes to Niall's side.

"Gemma? What the f*ck are you doing? Just think about what you are doing for a sec here!"

Gemma completely ignores me as she inspects Niall's bloody face. How can she be worried about this bastard? She had said it herself! 'this wasn't my boyfriend, this was a monster.'

I tug my curls harshly in frustration while watching her clean Niall up. I stride over and slap her hands away.

"Gemma stop!" I yell holding her wrists "he doesn't deserve your kindness! He hit you, Gemma. Don't you get it? How can you even be in the same room as him? I would feel sick to my stomach every time I looked at him! Bloody hell, I do! He hasn't even hurt me that way and I seem to be disgusted more than you are!"

She looks at me with tears in her eyes. I feel her wrists start to shake. Gemma suddenly collapses into my arms, sobbing like mad. In seconds my shirt once a light blue, has dark wet splotches. I feel terrible, I shouldn't have been so harsh.

"I'm so sorry Gems. I, I shouldn't have been so harsh." I mutter echoing my thoughts. I carry her like a child to the couch and prop her up with some pillows.

"Harry?" she asks in a small voice "Is it alright if you and Niall go in a different room? I'm sorry I just want to be alone right now"

I nod and hand her a blanket with a smile. Walking to Niall, I shake my head disgusted and start to drag him.


"Yeah Gems?"

"Thank you for understanding" she says with a lopsided smile. I return one and drag Niall into my room, shutting the door with my foot.

Walking over to my phone, I check the time seeing that it's 1:56. I put the phone on the nightstand, and turn hearing a sound. It appears as though Niall is trying to get up, but he's still pretty groggy.

I grab him by his collar, and hoist him up.

"How dare you date my sister, let alone hit her" I snarl in his face. He flinches suddenly wide awake.

Letting him go I take a step back to sit on my bed. I see his cheeks start to turn red, and tears run down his face.

"H-Harry I'm so sorry I never meant to hurt her. I care about Gemma so much, I feel disgusted with myself!" he whispers

"You know what, Niall?" I say anger evident in my voice "I'm going to give you 2 minutes to explain yourself before I beat you to death!"

He rolls his eyes "Whatever. Well long story short, we went to the club, got wasted she kissed another guy, I got mad hit her, went to the hotel woke up and left. Happy?"

I take small steps over to the crying Irish lad and slap him as hard as I can.

"Does that answer your question? I asked you to tell me what happened, not be a smart a**!" I scream. He opens his mouth, but all that comes out is a waterfall of blood.

"That's what I thought" I say with a smirk. Walking to grab a towel. Of course not so I can be kind, so my carpet wont get all bloody and gross!

Rolling it into a ball I throw it at his chest. He looks at me grateful and starts to clean his mouth. I stand there awkwardly, not really knowing what to do with myself, so I sit on the bed and stare at my feet like a tool.

"I'm sorry, Harry. Really I am." Niall fiddles with a loose string on the towel. I look up surprised. Did, did he just apologize to me?

"T-thanks" I mumble my eyebrows knitting together "Why don't you tell me your side of the story, in detail this time and I'll try not to hit you again"

He nods to my surprise and sits in a chair in the corner.

"I wanted to take her on a date, somewhere we were gonna have fun" he's speaking just above a whisper "so I decided I would take her to a club that she wanted to check out and go there for a bit. So we're both loaded Harry, and I mean just piss drunk. You know how me and me pints go together" he jokes making me smirk a bit

"So I go to the bathroom and I bump into a guy apologize, and laugh a bit. This guy is a spittin' image of me! I mean he looks like me twin! Anyways, so I do me business, won't go into detail there, and I see her kissin another guy! I don't know how to explain it, I was so angry, and confused." he sighs

"I grab him and see it's the guy I had bumped into earlier on. I have no clue why, but this just infuriated me even more. I couldn't help but want to pound his face in! Fortunately for him, a guy pulled us apart, and I grabbed Gemma's hand trying to stay calm. We start walking to the flat, and all I can remember is slappin her, and just feeling nothin but disgust in me self!" he starts to cry a bit

"How could I do that to her?! I'm so stupid! I just started walkin away, I disn't trust me self after that. We finally got to her flat, and I had way to much to drink so I just fell asleep" the waterworks just keep coming "I woke up with a massive headache, and the memories just start to flood my head. That look of fear in the lass' eyes, I will never forget it! I couldn't bear to stay knowing I physically harmed her. I just left thinking she wouldn't want to see me anyhow"

"When I came back to the hotel, all of ya's were still asleep so I just sat out in the tv room and cried." he whispers tear streaks on his red face.

"Niall, I think you need to talk to her and tell her exactly what you told me. You need to gain her trust again." I speak my voice sounding raspy

He nods in response getting up and opening my door. I follow to make sure Gemma is okay to talk to him, bumping into him when he stops short in the doorway.

"Niall!" I whine pushing past into the tv room. I look at Niall, and back at the empty couch where my sister once sat and sigh.

"She isn't ready yet, give her some time" I advise grabbing our untouched tea's. Pouring them down the sink I straighten thinking of something.

"Niall, when the hell did you start dating my sister?"

"Um, back in the X Factor" he responds with a guilty look

"The sh*t I don't know" I grumble flicking the tv on.

Early update? How awesome am I? Go on, tell me how much ya love me!

Lol and yes I am a lowlife because when I saw I had 18 readers and one vote, I got all happy and emotional. Yup, true story. Sad isn't it?

You people cannot even imagine, how hard it was to write negatively about Nialler! I was forcing myself, and I found it extremely difficult! You know what else is kinda hard? Writing in a dudes point of view! I hope I'm doing a good job because I always second guess myself on some things I write I'm like "no don't write that Hannah its to emotional" or "a guy wouldn't think that! Come on!"

That's all I got soooooo

Q. What is the hardest thing you have ever done

J. Chuck Norris lost his virginity before his father

Ps. Thanks for reading! And do me a huge favor? Hit one of those buttons? Give me a comment? Or a vote? Please? I will luv you foeva! :*

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