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Eleanor got into her car and drove out of the Starbuck's parking lot. A few tears would occasionally fall from her eyes, but it was nothing compared to the sobbing she had just done a moment ago.

There was a voice telling her not to do this, things would turn out fine. Another part however could not stop thinking negative thoughts.

She was robotic at this point, deadly quiet and no tears were falling anymore. She watched out her windshield without any emotion whatsoever. She was more focused on the task at hand.

Her hands were surprisingly steady, and she felt calm. Maybe this was the best.

She would no longer be around to hurt Louis, or anyone for that matter. The last person she would ever hurt would be herself.

Eleanor wanted this this be the end. She was disapponted that she would let Zayn blackmail her. Force her into sleeping with Harry. It wasn't his fault however.

If she had just told Louis the truth she wouldn't have gotten into this mess.


"Hey bartender!!! Another round of shots please!!!" Eleanor shouted rather drunk. The bartender reluctantly poured the alcohol, handing it to the stumbling brunette.

She took the shot quickly, and slammed the shot glass harshly down onto the counter. A girl sitting next to her cringed and walked away seeing the state Eleanor was in.

She just giggled and made her way onto the dance floor.

Eleanor and a couple of friends came her for a 'girls night out' but her friends had disappeared leaving Eleanor drunk out of her mind.

A man came up and started to grind against her. She giggled once again and shouted over the music

"What's your name?"

The man answered with a simple 'Damien' and a seductive wink.

Eleanor, even drunk out of her mind, felt as though something weren't right. She shook it off however, and continued grinding with this man she didn't even know.

What was his name again? Dan? She asked herself confused.

Dan, or Derek, whatever his name was pulled out a joint and offered one to Eleanor suggestively. She really knew something was wrong, but she accepted the roll anyways.

He lit it up for her and she took a puff, instant relief and giddiness flooding through her. He copied her actions and moments later the joints had been fully burnt out.

Eleanor had never done drugs before, so the mix of alcohol and the marijuana made her feel....indescribable.

She was stumbling even more now, and people were giving her odd looks. She didn't notice, until a hand landed on her shoulder and a familiar voice said her name.

Eleanor turned to find a guy she knew. What was his name? Zack? Zayn? Zayn! That's it! She congratulated herself.

"Eleanor? Are you okay?" Zayn asked concern written over his features.

"Of couwse zayning! Hahaha!" Eleanor laughed and tried to dance some more.

"No ya don't!!!" Zayn called throwing her over his shoulder and walking to his car. She was gently put into the passenger side, and buckled up.

Zayn quickly jogged to the drivers side and placing the keys into the ignition, he sped away from the club.

Eleanor was quiet the whole ride back and when he went to ask where her flat was, he realized she was asleep.

He debated what to do, and finally decided to just bring her to his place to spend the night.

THE NEXT MORNING(still a flashback)

Eleanor groaned and rolled over, falling harshly onto the brown rug below.

She took a sharp intake of breath as her head started to pound even harsher as she made contact with the floor. The pain was terrible and all she could do was curl up and cup her head in her hands.

After about ten minutes of laying on the ground, she slowly crawled back up on the couch relaxing into the cushions.

The memories of last night played through her head, and her eyes widened.

She danced with another guy, smoked drugs, and got piss ass drunk! Louis is gunna...

Oh god Louis! He is going to be furious! She thought panicking slightly.

She stopped when she started to look around. Where was she?

Then a familiar Zayn came out of the kitchen. He silently handed her advil and a tall glass of water which she took gratefully chugging it down. She leaned back on the couch and closed her eyes.

"Louis is going to be so mad" she announced aloud. Zayn smirked and turned to her

"Eleanor I can keep your secret. Only for something in return...."


Eleanor remembered how confused she was when Zayn told her to sleep with Harry. That didn't matter. What mattered was Zayn told her to do it, and she agreed.

STUPID STUPID STUPID!!! she chanted to herself, angry tears falling freely once again. She was angry that she would hurt Louis like that.

Instead of owning up to her mistakes, she made another one and screwed things up completely.

That's why she was going to end her life, she didn't want to screw up anymore.

A thought suddenly crossed her mind, and her tears slowed for a moment.

Louis had said he didn't want to hear it, not at that moment. Did that mean he was willing to let her explain when he cooled down?

She couldn't kill herself knowing that Louis may have intentions of forgiving her....

Eleanor sighed and turned around heading home. Things may turn out okay in the end...

Eleanor felt childish for wanting to run away from her problems and end her life. Her father always told her that committing suicide is a cowardly move, you should always deal with your problems and learn from your mistakes.

Eleanor was starting to feel slightly better, and she realized everything happens for a reason. She was determined to get Louis back and get the guilt off her chest.

She had stopped crying now, and was a block away from her home.

A bath would be nice she thought taking a last turn to her home. Her eyes widened seeing a familiar Lamborghini in the driveway.

She pulled in next to the car and stepped out still in shock. Locking the car she bounced up the steps leading to her front door, and found it unlocked. Walking forward a few steps, she found a blue eyed boy sitting at her dinning room table.


Once again I am so sorry for the long wait. Thanks so much for sticking around and being patient guys! I didnt get to update last night because my iPod died.

I hoped you liked the chapter and I will update as soon as possible.

LOVE YA'S!!! <3

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