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I speed away from the hotel as quickly as I can after realizing Eleanor isn't worth it.

She doesn't care why should? I chant this in my head over and over, making it easier to believe every time I say it.

A cup of tea from Starbucks seems like a good idea, so I unexpectedly swerve lanes towards the nearest Starbucks.

"Hey man what the???" a guy calls out from his car getting cut off by the honks of the rest of the annoyed drivers. I can't help but smirk a little in amusement.

"Haha whoops" I mutter smugly to myself and start to pull into a parking spot. I spot one and push on the gas a little harder so I make sure I get there first.

Suddenly a car backs out of their spot, and I just barely miss them by a mere inch. I let out a 'manly' scream and slam down on the brakes falling forward with the sudden stop.

My breathing is harsh as I shakily unbuckle and open the door to make sure that woman is okay. Leaving the car running I jog around the car to hers, just as she doe the exact same thing.

We crash into one another and stumble back a bit. I grab her shoulders and hold her steady, peering into her eyes. I nearly choke.


Both mine and her eyes grow wide with surprise, and then anger overwhelms me and I can't contain it any longer.

"How could you Eleanor?" I ask rather harshly, but i ignore it remembering what she has done to me.

"W-what do you mean?" she stutters faking a confused look. Is she for real? How stupid does this girl think I am?

"We both know what I'm talking about, Eleanor! How could you cheat on me? With HARRY? Of all people you have sex with him?" my voice is rising and my hands shake with anger.

"Louis, it's not what you think, I swear!"

"I, I don't know if I can believe you anymore" I say more to myself than I do to her. I wonder if she heard me until I see her tears confirming that she heard me.

"GET OUT OF THE WAY!" a gruff voice yells followed by a series of honks.

"Please Louis" She pleads grasping my arm desperately. I quickly shake it off slowly backing away to my car.

"I can't Eleanor" I tell her "not right now."

The look on her face is absolutely heart wrenching, but there is no bloody way I can look her in the eyes and have her 'explain' what happened right now.

I pull the door shut behind me and pull away from Eleanor who has started sobbing on the pavement. I feel a pang of guilt, but the memories resurface of hearing her and Harry.

I feel completely torn; should I forgive her? Or do I move on?

I think I may know what's best, but I'm not sure I like it...


I am a terrible person! Guys I am so sorry for not updating! High school is starting to suck with the early mornings, and the homework so I don't have a lot of free time on my hands sorry!!! It's short and shitty (I'll call it s/s for short) but I wanted to give you guys a little something... It's kinda late so I'm gonna go to bed so I'm not so tired tomorrow peace out girl scouts!

Q. What is your favourite subject? (Mines lunch)

J. Chuck Norris found out Victoria's Secret!!! Haha one of my favs!

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