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Gemma's POV

I still hadn't talked to Niall or Harry since the 'incident'. I just, I didn't know what to say!

I know Niall wanted me to talk to him. I know he wants a second chance, and, and he wants to explain himself, but how can I look him in the eyes?

"Gemma, how can you even be in the same room as him without feeling disgusted?"

When Harry said that to me, something inside me just, I don't know, something felt different looking down at the unconscious Niall in my lap. It's like I was finally realizing what he had done to me.

What that means when you are hit by someone you deeply care about. Or cared about?

*Gemma's POV at the club*

"Gemma? Love, are you almost done getting ready?" Niall calls sounding slightly impatient. I slip my earrings in and smile at my reflection. Grabbing my clutch I ruling down the stairs, bumping into Niall.

He gasps and checks me out more than once.

"Gemma, you look reeeaaallly hot!" Niall says his voice full of lust. I giggle an spin around slowly, giving him a good butt shot. Niall clears his throat and stares.

Suddenly, I have been pinned up against the wall Niall's lips putting pressure onto my own.

"Niall" I whine against his lips. He smirks and pulls back.

"Ya know, we could go to your room for a quick spin?" he suggests his eyes holding an emotion I can't describe. I give him a lopsided smile and lean my hip on the wall.

"You know Niall, maybe later. I don't want to have sex hair at the club." I then sashay to the front door and pause.

"Niall? Aren't you coming?"

"You are drivin me mad, lass!" he exclaims shaking his head. Following me out the door an locking it, we make out way to the club.

After about ten minutes of walking, we arrive. Niall opens the door

"M'lady" he says bowing. I laugh and we disappear into the building.


"How about another round of shots there bartender?" Niall slurs both of us piss drunk after an hour of being her. I giggle for no apparent reason and take down a shot.

The liquid burns my throat and my eyes water a little. What can I say? It's pretty god damn strong!

"Babe? I'll be right back! I just need to use the loo" Niall shouts in my ear slipping off the bar stool. I nod and stumble to the dance floor.

I'm dancing, when I feel hands on my hips. Turning around panicked, I look up and see Niall. Grabbing his face, I kiss him when he's suddenly pulled back.

There's, there's two Niall's? That's when I realize the guy I just kissed (also the guy being beaten) wasn't my boyfriend. The guy who was just separated from a fight and who is now dragging me out of the club is my boyfriend.

He continues to hold my wrist as we, or should I say he walks towards my flat. I'm confused. A second ago he was beating a guy, and now he's calm? Something is up.

"N-Niall? Are, are you alright?" I stutter nervous.

He abruptly spins on his heel, and his palm connects with my cheek. My face is violently turned to the side and I gasp in shock.

End of flashback

I can feel the stains of hot tears slide down my cheeks. Why? I understand he was drunk, but is that any excuse to hit a women? To hit someone you love?

Should I forgive him? Or let him explain? Should I leave him? Never forgive him?

My brain tells me to hate him and leave him, yet my heart leads me to think I should give him one more chance.

Just then my phone rings and Nialls name pops up. Sighing I answer dreading this call a lot

"Niall, I'm giving you 10 minutes to talk"

Harry's POV

The phone rings, and I hear the familiar tone of my moms voice answering.

"Hello this is Anne speaking!"

"Hi mum, it's me" I say lowly into the phone.

"Harry dear? Are you alright love?" worry fills her voice and I'm quick to answer.

"Mum, I just wanted to talk about the Niall and Gemma situation with you"

"Harry? What are you talking about? Niall and Gemma?" she asks clearly confused.

She has no clue what has happened! So it was a complete secret, Niall and Gemma!

"Mom, there's obviously something you need to know...." I trail off.

"Harry..." I hear the warning tone creep into her voice.

"Mum, Gemma and Niall were dating secretly, and Niall hit Gemma" I say in one quick sentence. And she blows up.


"Mum, I handled it. Actually my fist did, but the point is apparently he was really drunk and didn't realize what he was doing so I told him to talk to her."

"Harry, are you sticking up for Niall?" my mom questions. Aw hell naw! I hate him! I don't stick up for people I hate!

"Mom, I hate them all you know that!" I say embarrassed. She sighs through the phone.

"What do you think we should do Harry?" she asks me sounding stressed.

"Absolutely nothing. I talked to Gemma and made her realize he is a complete douche. She'll probably leave him anyways. Let's just let them figure it out, yeah?"

"Alright love. Well I need to go but I love you very much! Call me anytime harry!" she says before hanging up.

"Bye mum, love you too" I mumble my cheeks feeling warm. I really hope Gemma makes a good decision, the right decision.

My thoughts are interrupted when Zayn walks in with a dazed, happy look on his face. He collapses on the leather arm chair, and runs a hand through his quiff.

"What's up with you?" I snort

"Perrie, she, she said yes!" he shouts making me jump a little.

"Bloody hell Zayn! What are you talking about?" I say confused

"I asked Perrie to marry me. AND SHE SAID YES!"

"Good for you!" I say sarcastically. He glares at me, rising from the arm chair.

"Harry, I am happy right now. I really don't need to have you be a kill joy right now!"

I huff rolling my eyes.

"Whatever you say, Malik." Zayn skips away like a school girl and Niall walks back into the room a happy look on his face. What is with all the happy people today?

"She forgives me!"

Can you guys believe Perrie and Zayn are engaged?! I'm so happy for them!

On the other hand I'm kinda sad the boys are growin up! Haha ;)

Don't you guys love the leaked song? "Just can't let her go?" it's really awesome! Go listen to it! Right now! Do it! I DARE YOU! :O

Although I kinda feel bad that when they release it (in December) it won't be very much of a surprise... I'm sowwy One Direction :( maybe don't listen to it so it's a surprise?!

Well now that we are talking about songs, that brings me to the question of ze day!!!

Q. What is your fav song? (ooo hard question!)

J. Chuck Norris has been to mars. That's why there are no signs of life!

PS. Go follow 'sameol' she is a good friend of mine and she is pree cool!

PPS. Press one of those buttons pretty please?

PPSS. Thank you for reading my fan fic it means a lot! :^)

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