Stupid narry photos

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I was currently laying on my bed, scrolling through twitter; being bored. Just for fun I searched that girl who we met at Starbucks. I was looking at some photos and I came across one that she took at Starbucks and gasped disgusted.

The photo of me and Niall kissing the girls cheek had been altered so it was me and Niall kissing. Some fans take some things way to far and right here infront of me is a perfect example. Why would someone do that? It's pointless and what does it do? It causes trouble that's what!

I look at some of the comments and shake my head in disbelief. People actually believed this was real! I just don't get it! Me and Niall hate eachother! Well, I guess the fans don't know that but whatever. I continue to waste time looking at the comments and relax a little seeing some people tweeting it was fake, and we wouldn't do something like that etc.

I was about to log out when a comment made me stop.


Has anyone noticed one direction don't seem to always get along? Watch these clips and see what I mean!

There was a link leading to the video where this girl had combined a bunch o clips where you could tell we don't get along. From video diaries, concerts and interviews, this girl had captured where our relationship wasn't at its best.

There was a video of me while singing my solo for "What Makes You Beautiful" and the boys kept trying to mess me up. Trying to pants me, pulling at my hair etc. Of course I had seen it before, but I had always thought it would look like the boys were just joking around. And of course in reality they weren't, they were seriously trying to screw me up.

The angle the video was shot at, you can clearly see my annoyed expression and I would even say I looked pretty pissed!

"damn it!" I whisper to myself watching the rest of the videos

One was way back when we were still in the "X Factor" and we were doing a video diary. I happened to be talking about random stuff , and Louis was talking to me, and dare I say being very annoying?

"hello! I'm a song!" he would say as I was talking and once again the expression on my face probably lead people to think I was pissed. Which I was! I remember when the video was done I got REALLY mad at Louis, and that caused some bickering.

He however apologized an I forgave him because that's when we were actually trying to be friends.

The last clip on the video was one of when we were in an interview And Niall called Louis an idiot.

Louis had been playing around, being his oh so humorous self (note my sarcasm) and he had told the camera man

"Niall has an Irish accent. Did you know he is irish?"

Niall had replied with a laugh and a

" Your such an idiot!"

Five minutes later, the camera had been turned off and Louis had tackled Niall to the floor. He got a few punches in, but we unfortunately had to pull them apart so they wouldn't 'do any damage'.

What good is a fight if it only lasts, like, two seconds?

The video ends with the oh so original follow me on twitter and friend me on facebook crap and I throw my phone to the side of my bed not knowing what to do with myself. I think for the first time ever, I actually don't feel like bumming around, and I wan to go do something.

I walk out the room and find the boys sittin on the couch every single one on their phones.

" Do you guys wanna do something?" I ask in a monotone voice.

" Not with any of you! I'm gonna go see Perry" Zayn says standing up and walking out the door.

" I think I'm gonna go chill with El. Not only can I see my girlfriend, but I'll be away from you four!" Louis grabs his coat and jogs out the door.

" Me and me mum are going to nandos" a certain Irish lad exclaims "bye losers!"

Liam is the only one left besides me, but that changes once he gets up still texting.

"Where are you going?" I ask him. He ignores me and walks out the door leaving me alone, bored as hell. Suddenly my phone goes off making me jump.

"jesus!" I grumble striding over to snatch my phone. I look at the caller i.d and see its Gemma.

"Hey gems! How's it going?"

"Meh, it's going alright. How's my bro holding up?" she asks

" I'm okay, I'm here alone though. All the boys left and I'm really bored!" I sigh as I flop on the couch.

"Is it okay if I come over?" she asks randomly.

" Uh, yeah that's good. Is everything alright?" I ask worried. I hear her cough awkwardly.

"Urm, yeah I just want to talk to you about something." she says and I sigh relieved "I'll be there in like 30 minutes okay?"

"you sure your okay Gemma?" I ask for the second time.

"yeah, yeah! I'll see ya soon! Bye!" she hangs up before I can respond.

I'm anxious to see why Gemma wants to come over so badly. Why didn't she just talk to me over the phone? I shrug it off and turn the tv on while I wait for Gemma.

I see that a football game I on, and sink into the couch satisfied.


I hear the door buzz and jump up to get it. I scurry over and look through the peep hole to make sure it's Gemma. It's her alright, but something seems off. I yank open the door an I can't help but gasp.

"What, what happened to you?"

ER MER GURD!!!! :o

Lol I hope ya guys liked me chappie! I was thinking about maybe having my amazingly awesome chuck Norris joke, AND a question of the day!

And yes some are gonna be the stupid what's your favorite color and crap like that okay? Don't judge!

Dats all I gotta say! Soooooooooooooo without further ado

Question: who's your favorite member of 1d?

Joke: some magicians can walk on water. Chuck Norris can swim on land!

Ps. I didn't know what to call this chapter that's why it's kinda weird :P

PPS. That is a really hard question oh my god!

PPPS. Vote and comment? For me? Cause ya luv me SO much?

PPPPS. Bye! :D

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