Gods honest truth

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Eleanor's pov

"Louis?" I ask surprised and delighted at the same time. He rises from his seat at my table, the chair making a terrible screeching noise. I wince and a small smile creeps onto his face which quickly goes away.

"Hi Eleanor" he says with a thick, raspy voice. All I can do is stare at this man whom I love with all my heart. It takes all of me not to kiss him and run my hands through his tousled hair.

He clears his throat and I look down at my hands embarrassed.

"Can I get you anything at all?" I ask trying to break the awkward silence that fills the house.

"Um no actually I'm okay thank you. What I came here for was to talk" he says lowly sinking back down to the chair. My eyes follow his every move.

Nodding I sit across from him and fiddle with my fingers.

"Eleanor" Louis says softly "I love you with all my heart, and seeing you today break down in front of me was absolutely heart breaking. It hurt me though, what you did. That's why I left. But you obviously have an explanation, and I want to hear it from you"

My eyes travel up to be met by a beautiful set of blue orbs. I slowly nod and straighten my back.

"Louis, it's a long story, but please just hear me out and wait until I finish?" I plead.

"Don't worry I will" he says encouraging me to start.

"Okay so remember that night Sheila, Bell, Delilah, and Payton invited me to go out for a girls night?" he nods after a few moments "well I, I drank way to much Louis. You know how I get. Anyways, I couldn't stop and I was taking shot after shot until the point where people were moving seats because of me." I sigh at the thought and continue "well I couldn't find any of the girls, and hell I couldn't remember where I was! So I went out to the dance floor, and a guy started dancing with me...." I trail off feeling uncomfortable.

"Continue please? I'll keep my promise, I'll listen" Louis says a hint of jealousy in his voice. I take a quick peek at him and find him staring at me expectantly.

"Okay we were dancing and he pulled out a joint and then a second. He offered me the one, and um, I took it. We smoked them and uh danced some more. After a little bit Zayn appeared and put me in his car. We started driving, but it was all to much and I fell asleep right there. The next morning I woke up, terrible headache, nauseous, the normal hangover. I was really disappointed in myself, and I knew that you were going go be upset with me also. So then Zayn made me a deal that if I slept with Harry, he would keep the secret" I finish finally looking at Louis.

The look on his face was...unexpected. He looked very understanding, guilty almost.

"Eleanor? Why were you scared to tell me about what happened at the bar?" he asks softly.

"I, I thought you would be mad. I guess I just wasn't thinking straight" I answer with a little hesitation. He nods slowly, deep in thought.

"Eleanor, I'm really glad I heard the truth, really really glad. But maybe we should take a break"

"What?" I choke. Never have we ever 'taken a break'. How long will the break be? A week? A year? Until he has another girlfriend? Will we ever get back together? What if he realizes that he doesn't want me around? Oh god without Lou...

"Eleanor?" louis snaps me out of my thoughts.


"I said what do you think of that?" he repeats looking at me.

"To be honest Louis, I love you so much that I don't want to break up. Even if it's for a day. But if that's what makes you happy then I guess I'm gonna have to manage" I whisper feeling warn tears pool in my eyes.

"Eleanor" he starts but is interrupted by a series of knocks on my door. I stand rushing to answer it. Swinging the door open, my face pales and my grip tightens

on the door handle. This won't be good...

Just a little filler cause I'm bored as fuck and I love all of ya's so much! :)

You know what I'm going to write a hige ass authors note! Because no one reads them, and I'm bored!

So I just started highschool (miner niner for the win) and oh my jesus! There are honestly so many attractive guys attending this school like holy shit! Theres this one guy who says hi to me every morning cause our moms know one another, and holy fuck! Every time he talks to me I melt into a puddle of Hannah-ness! Im like oh excuse me while I just stare at your oh so attractive face (and body. What?) and die due to your hotness. Don't mind me! He has a brother too and I cannot handle it. It is too much to bare it isn't even funny!

I would continue to talk about random shit, but my hand is numb so I'm gonna try to unfreeze it.... Yeah...

Love you all! Big kiss muah! Kisses to ma bitches!! ;)



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