Five; Paisley

65 10 3

Calum's POV:

I would've thought that after all that time sleeping on the cold, hard ground of my cage that a real bed would be nice, it wasn't. The softness felt foreign and the warmth from the blankets caused me to sweat more than I did in some fights. I hated it. So I climbed from the bed and laid back down, but this time, on the carpet floor of the room. It still felt weird though, having something more than my clothes between my skin and the cement was a strange feeling.

I let out a quiet sigh and curled up in a ball, with my tail freed from my trousers, it lay draped over my waist. As I laid there my mind began to wander. From how my friends were doing to why on earth Michael decided to help me, I'm just a mutt after all... Not even a mutt.

What am I?

I'm not a human and I'm not a dog.

Letting out a sad huff, I rested my chin on my arm and let myself drift to sleep.


I don't know how long I was asleep for but I was awoken some time later by yelling and doors being slammed. One of the voices I could clearly tell was Michael's but the other I didn't recognise. I could tell they were a girl and that they were angry, very angry. I sat up slowly and moved over to the wall and leaned back against it.

"For Christ's sake Michael!" the unfamiliar voice shouted. "Can't you do anything helpful!?"

There was a quiet reply that even I couldn't pick up. Suddenly a loud smack sounded followed by a cry of pain. I whimpered quietly when a door slammed and all was silent but the loud crying from the other room. I couldn't take hearing the pained sobs any longer, so I got to my feet and left the room but not before adjusting my hat and stuffing my tail back in my pants.

"Michael?" I asked as I made my way into the living room. "What's wrong?" I gently placed my hand on his shoulder, he flinched away and curled into the arm of the couch. I retracted my hand and sat beside him. Not knowing what to do, I let out a shaky puff of air and pulled off my hat and pulled my tail out from my pants.

"Mikey." I gently poked his side.

"Go away Calum." the boy snapped.

"But you're sad." I said.

"So what? It doesn't matter anyway." he said.

"I wanna show you something." I told him.

"You're in my house, what could you possibly have to show me?" he scoffed.

"Just sit up." I tugged on his sweater sleeve and pouted slightly. I usually hated when I let the more doggish side of me take over, but this time it was okay.

"Fine." Michael sighed at sat up but still didn't look at me.

"Mikeymoo." I whined and thumped my tail against the couch cushions. " Look at me." He still didn't. So I crawled over to him and sat there.

"I will lick you. I will do it, nothin's stopping me." I said and brought my face closer to his. "Don't think I won't." I giggled. 

"Don't touch me." Michael snapped and turned his face further away from my own. I smirked cheekily and licked his cheek. He let out a disgusted groan and turned to look at me angrily. But the anger quickly faded to confusion when he saw me. I laughed loudly at his expression and my tail wagged happily. 

"What the hell..." He breathed. I grinned and moved back to where I had sat originally. "What are you?" He asked quietly. 

"I'm a hybrid." I shrugged and twitched my ears. 

"So you're like a werewolf?" He asked. 

"What's that?" I asked and cocked my head to the side suddenly confused. 

"Never mind." He replied. "Were you like- have you always been like this?" 

"Nuh uh." I shook my head. "They put some weird stuff in me with a big needle." I told him. "It hurt." 

"How old were you?" Michael asked.

"Dunno I forgot." I shrugged. 

"So they like injected you with dog DNA and then you're like this?" He said. 

"Mhm. They also made me fight others." I told him with a nod. 

"Wait... Hybrid fights..." He looked like he was trying to remember something so I sat silently beside him and played with a loose thread on the shirt he had lent me. "Someone at work said they won some bet thing at one of those! Something about an underdog winning." He said.

"When was that?" I asked. My ears flattened to my head and my tail curled between my legs in fear. 

"The night I found you." He told me. 

"Oh..." I mumbled. It could have been me. It could have been my fight against those two cats. "Please don't send me back." I pleaded quietly. 

"Why would I send you back? I'm not sure about Clarissa but you just gotta stay away from her anyway." He assured me. "What made you think that I would send you back?" He asked. 

"Dunno." I mumbled. "I haven't seem anything but cages for ages." I told him. 

"They kept you in cages!?" He exclaimed. 

"Mhm and wouldn't feed us unless we won, and if we didn't get killed in the fight but still lost we would get shot." I nodded. 

"That's cruel!" He said. It was quiet for a while before Michael spoke up. "Can I touch your ears?"

"What?" I asked. 

"Can I like pet your ears? They look really soft that's all." He said. 

"Uh... Sure." I shrugged and moved back over to him. He looked embarrassed as he reached up and gently touched the soft fur of my ears. 

"Holy shit they're so fluffy!" He exclaimed and began to scratch behind them. As he scratched I leaned into him and wagged my tail happily. It was a nice feeling and made me feel wanted for once.

But for me, nice feelings never really last long...



So Michael knows the Cally is a cute puppy ❤️

Please go check out some of my stories it would mean a butt load! Maybe even follow ;)

Anyway hope you enjoyed! 

Peace out Girl Scouts, I'll see you on the flip side xx

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