Sixteen; Ariana

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No problem is too big to run away from. ~Charles M. Schulz

Michael's POV

I was sitting in the kitchen, Calum was still sleeping upstairs and I ran a hand down my face. I knew that he was not going to let my incident with the fight go unnoticed. I let out a sigh, I could hear my phone ringing in my jacket on the other side of the room but did not even think to get it until Calum walked in a few minutes later.

"Do me a favor before you sit down," I said. "Will you get my phone out of my jacket?" Calum nodded his head and reached in the pocket of my jacket he pulled out the folded papers and looked at them with confusion before pulling out the money I got from betting and went wide eyed as he turned to me. 

"Where did you get this..?" He asked quietly. 

I let out a sigh. "One of the regulars at work asked me to bet for him so I did." I told him. "I won and those are my winnings." 

"Y-You.." Calum trailed off, his eyes going wide. "You bet on the fight!?" His voice boomed through the room as I could see the anger in his eyes. "You're a lowlife dirtbag!" He threw the wad of money at me, tossing the papers onto the ground and stormed out of the room.

I sighed as I stood up, putting the papers and money into a messy pile on the counter - the least I could do was try not to make Calli's house a mess - and then I called. "Calum!" 

"No!" He yelled from the other room. "First, you go to the fight when I tell you not to! Now you're betting!?"

"I wasn't betting for myself, I don't get to keep any of that money!" I called after him. 

"Why did you go in the first place!?" Calum snapped at me, I turned the corner into our room and saw him scowl at me. 

"Because I want to be helpful!" I sighed. "Cal.." I put my hand on his shoulder and he slapped it down, giving me a scowl. I slinked away from him, walking out of the room. I could see his hands in fists and went wide eyed. I thought about what Lux had done. How she ripped that other creature apart, how she completely dominated. Calum could have easily killed me if it came to it. 

I watched Lux twitch, she must have been losing her mind. What if Calum lost his mind, if he still had it. He could lash out and end my life, not that I would have missed it, but I stood wide eyed as I swallowed hard. 

I left the room, folding my arms as I walked down the stairs. Being in a house with Calum alone was enough to make my stomach twist in anxiety. I walked outside to where my car was and I got inside of it, originally, I thought about going to the diner and seeing Calli but then I remembered that she was a killer too.

In a short while, I arrived at Ashton's house, he immediately allowed me to enter the house and I sat down on the couch. His girlfriend was nowhere to be found, which would explain why he just let me in, his girlfriend never really liked me. 

"Are you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost." Ashton said. "Did you go to another fight?" 

"No I-I just.." The words came out nothing above a whisper. "Calum's so mad at me." 

"For going to the fight?" Ashton asked.

"No for betting on it." I sighed. 

"I never thought you would be a gambling man." Ashton said. "Since you understand how to lure people into your casino." 

"That's not the issue. I bet on a fight with people like him." I explained. "He thinks it was wrong, I wasn't going to bet originally, I only did it because when I was told about it by one of my regulars, he asked me to bet for him." 

"Well, just try to put yourself in his - "

"I'm not upset with him." I said quietly. "I-I think I'm afraid of him.." 

"Afraid? Calum's such a good kid though." Ashton sighed. As if he really didn't understand the fear at all.

"Ashton, he's a hybrid. I watched his friends fight, I've seen what they're capable of. Calum could kill me without hesitation, you can't just make someone mad when you know that they could rip you to a bloody mess." I huffed. 

Ashton's lips pressed together, as if he was considering it. "I don't think Calum would ever hurt you Michael." 

"Ashton, those creatures are literally insane." I sighed. "They lose their mind so easily. You should see the way those things tick. They're killing machines, they're born and bred for it. Calum could snap at any time and I would be dead."

"I don't think that would happen." Ashton rebutted. "I think that Calum cares a lot about you. He always has a look in his eyes like he would do anything to make sure you're okay." I folded my arms and glanced away. 

"I-I care about him, I think he's incredible.." I said quietly. "But, why would I put myself in danger that way?" 

"What do you have to lose? You literally lost everything, the least you should do is be willing to throw caution to the wind. I don't think Calum would ever lay a hand on you. Honestly I think Clarissa was more of a threat to you than Calum will ever be." Ashton said, he patted my back and spoke again. "Maybe creatures like Calum aren't real things that we should fear, we should really fear other humans, we're the real monsters here."

"Thoughtful." I sighed.

"Clarissa was here the other day you know, she thought you might have came here." Ashton said. I turned to him wide eyed. "I remember telling Calum about it at the diner, he said not to tell you." 


"He was worried about what would happen if Clarissa sucked you straight back in. He looked really uncomfortable when I mentioned Clarissa's name." Ashton shrugged his shoulders. "I think Calum really does care about you, I think that he would let you slit his throat before he ever dared to lay a hand on you. You just have to trust him and if he's anything like a dog, he must be just as loyal as one." Ashton pushed me off the couch. "C'mon, time for my shift." 

I thought about what Ashton said as I walked out to my car, he definately had a point about me not worrying about what Calum might do to me, maybe deep down I believed him. Something seemed awfully off too, I adored being able to see comfort in his deep and warm eyes, but I also feared that he would eventually raise his fists. After all, it seemed like all I could do was defy him. 


I don't really know where I'm going with this. *Shrugs casually*


Hugs, Kisses, Cuddles and Serenades xX 

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