Fifteen; Paisley

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Calum's POV:

Michael was late to the diner for another night and I was starting to worry that he was doing bad things. Whenever I would ask Naomi about it she would just say not to worry and that Michael is a good person and wouldn't be doing bad things. I led myself to believe it too. The little bell above the door jingled, signalling that someone had entered the diner. Looking up from where I stood wiping down tables, I saw Michael standing there looking quite confused and very damp. 

"Raining pretty hard out there huh?" I asked and wrote down his usual order. 

"Mhm." He nodded. "And this is just getting from the car to inside." 

"Not looking forward to that." I commented before turning back to the counter. "'Nother coffee Ashton?" 

"Yes please." The curly haired man said. As I began to make his hot drink, he and Michael began to talk quietly amongst one another. Although I would have easily been able to hear then if I focused on it, I decided not to. Eavesdropping is rude after all. 

"Here's your coffee." I told Ashton and set it down in front of him. "Thanks Calum." He replied and took a sip. "You're pretty damn good at making coffees." He said as he took another big sip. 

"Thanks." I said with a slight blush before going back to wiping down counters and tables. It was very quiet in the diner at the time and not many people were out and about in general. After I completed my task I allowed myself to start cooking up a bowl of hot chips to munch on. Naomi did say that I could make myself some food whenever I was hungry and it wasn't too busy after all. 

"Oo, hot chips." Speak of the devil. "Make me up some too would yah?" She asked. 

"Yes ma'am." I chuckled and saluted. 

"I don't need your sass mister." She scolded jokingly. 

"Oops." I laughed and tipped some more potato pieces into the deep fryer basket.Once they were done I tipped the whole lot into a bowl and put some tomato sauce in a much smaller one and took them over to where the others were sat talking. 

" - it was terrifying to watch."

"What was?" I asked and set down the bowl of hot chips. 

Naomi, Michael and Ashton all looked anxious but Michael just said "Oh there was this huge fight at the casino tonight. Like chairs were being thrown and stuff." There was an awkward cough. I didn't believe him. Nope, not one bit, his voice was unsteady and his breathing shaky as he clearly lied. I tilted my head to the side slightly and leaned my chin on my plan as I quietly ate. Michael was hiding something and I wanted to know what. I just hoped it wasn't anything to do with the hybrid fights.

"Michael?" I spoke up. 

"Hm?" He asked and looked up at me. 

"Can I talk to you for a second?" I asked. 

"Uh.. Sure." We both stood up and I took him to the break room where I found out that Calli was Naomi. "Have you been going to the fights?" I asked straight up. It was easier than any other way I could've thought of. 

"Wha- no. Why would you think that?" Michael stuttered. "Then where have you been? Because I really don't believe that it's work." I told him. 

"I haven't been going to the fights!" He exclaimed. 

"I don't believe you okay! I can hear when you lie and you're even more obvious than some people are so please, just tell me." I said. 

"Fine..." He muttered. He went to speak but was cut off by the door opening and Naomi coming in. 

"I need you out front Cal." She said before disappearing again. 

"This conversation isn't over." I growled before going out front and helping Naomi serve and cook peoples food. 


Later that same night, I was laying in bed with Michael next to me but there was still a fair amount of space between us. Neither of us were saying anything and instead just laying there enjoying each other's company. 

"C-Can I kiss y-you again?" I asked quietly after sometime.

"Wha- s-sure." Michael replied just as quietly. I nervously turned on my side and stared into his pretty bright green eyes. They had tiny flecks of different shade of green and even little bits of blue. Enough said; they're beautiful and I could happily stare into them forever. I let out a shaker breath and started to lean closer to him as he did the same. I searched his face to see if there were any signs pointing to him not wanting to, but there was nothing. So I did it. 

I leaned forward and I kissed him. And it felt even more amazing than the first. My eyes fluttered shut as we laid there kissing and I just couldn't get over the fact that he would want to kiss me. Me; a weird mixture of human and dog. But he did and I couldn't help but be happy about it.

When I opened my eyes once more I saw Michael staring at me. He looked to be deep in thought and I wasn't too sure as to what about. However, I didn't press it, instead I moved closer to him and laid my head on his chest and wrapped my arms around his waist. I could've stayed there laying in Michael's arms but all good things come to an end eventually. 


I don't really had much to say oops....

Peace out Girl Scouts, k see you on the flip side xx

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