Thirteen; Paisley

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Calum's POV:

Once we reached Naomi's apartment I quickly unlocked it with the key she gave me and held the door open to Michael. I stepped inside after him and relocked the door before flopping on a couch. While Michael was looking around I just stared at the ceiling. I didn't know how I would rescue my friends and what Michael had said back at the diner hurt. I knew I was stupid, it's what happens when you live in a cage for most of your life. With a sigh I sat up and rubbed my eyes as Michael came back into the room.

"Where are our rooms?" He asked.

"Oh uh, Naomi only has one spare room so we can either share that it someone's on the couch." I told him.

"It's Calli, and I don't really care where I sleep." He shrugged.

"Do you wanna just share the bed?" I asked quietly. "I mean we don't have to but yeah, we could if you want. I wouldn't mind." I added.

"Yeah sure. Wouldn't mind cuddling you, you're really warm." He said and walked into the spare room.

"What's it like?" Michael asked.

"What, the fights?" I rose an eyebrow.

"No, being a hybrid." He shook his head.

"Oh, it's kinda weird." I shrugged. "Like I can hear, see and smell better than a normal person but not quite as well as a real dog. And my tail is kinda annoying but it helps me balance when it's not down my pants." I chuckled. "But it's pretty cool I guess, aside from the fact that I don't really fit in anywhere it's... Cool." I told him.

I followed after him and watched as he pulled of his jeans and shirt before climbing beneath the covers. I stayed leaning against the door frame before taking off my own pants and shirt and laying down beside him. Michael chuckled slightly and shook his head and took of the hat that I forgot I was wearing.

"Thanks." I said.

"You're welcome." He replied. It was quiet for a moment before Michael spoke up once more.

"What are your hybrid friends like?" He asked.

"The ones from the fights?" Michael nodded. "They were like family. When I first got there Naomi was the one who calmed me down and helped me learn to fight even from two separate cages. There was Lux, she was there before me and she's a puma hybrid. When we got to watch each other fight once and train a but and stuff, she was really fast and bendy." I told him. "Harlow's a bird hybrid. We don't really know what exactly she's mixed with but she can like fly and has really sharp nails like a bird. Uhh... There's Ryder and he's a lynx hybrid or that's just what we found out from the workers and he's strong and fast. He was the most recent addition to our little part of the pack and he was so scared when he arrived but I don't blame him, it is really scary sometimes... And then... And then there was Eli. He was like the dad out of all of us and he... He died the night I got out. They shot him..." I mumbled the last bit. "He was so kind and really really strong and cuddly." I sighed.

"What was he mixed with?" Michael asked and wrapped an arm around me, pulling me closer to him.

"He was a grizzly bear hybrid." I answered. "But he was anything but grizzly."

"They seem like great friends." He said.

"They are. That's why I wanna get them out and get rid of all the people who ran that place and beat us." I growled and felt myself growing angry. "I wanna kill them all."

"Calm down, okay Cal? You don't need to kill them right?" Michael asked.

He looked slightly scared. I didn't blame him, I was scared of myself sometimes. Back at the fights whenever one of my friends were being taken to go and fight, I would try break my cage door open and attack the person taking them. It happened every time until I found a way to control it; I would take a deep breath and try to focus on the fact that they would do their best to come back. It worked most times so I stuck with it.

"I wonder what they would mix you with if they made you into one of us." I said after a while.

"I would wanna be something like a cat." Michael said. I winced as I remembered the most recent fight I had. "You okay?" He asked, noticing my discomfort.

"Yeah, just remembering a fight." I assured him and nuzzled my cheek against his chest.

Michael reached a hand up and began to scratch behind my ear again causing a sort of growl noise to sound from my throat as I leaned into his hand. Michael stopped scratching once he fell asleep and soft snores fell from his lips. He seemed peaceful, his breathing even and his body warm and still. I curled myself around him and laid there until I fell asleep myself.


I was awoken sometime later to a hand on my shoulder, shaking me lightly. I lifted a hand to my face and rubbed my eyes slightly before opening them and seeing Michael still laying beside me.

"C'mon Calum, we gotta get up." He said.

"M'tired though." I groaned.

"We still have time, so why don't we cuddle a little longer?" He suggested.

I nodded slowly and looked up at him. My eyes flickered for his own green ones to his lips and back again. I didn't know why either. I just had the overwhelming urge to place my lips on his and kiss him.

And that's exactly what I did.

I leaned up and pressed my lips softly to his and kissed him. I was pleasantly surprised when Michael started to kiss back. His lips were soft as our lips locked and moving slightly while the rest of us stayed motionless. I decided then and there that I wanted more of that, whatever it was, it felt right... Weird, but right either way.


Yay malum kiss!

This chapter didn't take long to write surprisingly. Maybe like 40 minutes which is a lot quicker than normal.

I have a complaint about Disney's Hercules movie, they got 8 things that I noticed wrong with the myths and stuff and it's really annoying me. YO DISNEY! THESEUS CAME AFTER HERCULES AND PEGASUS WAS BORN WHEN MEDUSA'S HEAD GOT CUT OFF! AND THERE WERE WAY MORE THAN 4 TITANS! AND ZEUS DID IT WITH A MORTAL NOT HERA! 

Sorry lol I had to rant and so rant it did xD I apologise if you haven't seen the movie and have no clue what I'm on about =3

Also there's a creepy ass bug flying around my room and I can't kill it Dx please send help!

Peace out Girl Scouts, I'll see you on the flip side xx

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