19; Paisley

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Calum's POV:

I woke up alone again, after falling asleep in Michael's arms while I hiccuped and cried I had hoped that maybe he would stay that time, but he didn't. I didn't mind all that much that he didn't stay, it just would have been nice to wake up in his arms for once. I knew that I was being clingy but to me it was just being loyal. After all, dogs are loyal to those who care for them and Michael cared for me. 

With a quiet sigh I climbed out of the bed and padded into the main room. Michael was slumped over the desk in the corner with soft snores escaping his lips as he slept. I chuckled lightly and made my way over to him. 

Gently placing my hand on his shoulder, I shook him slightly.

"Mikey." I cooed. "C'mon, wakey wakey." I giggled as he let out a grunt and slowly started to sit up my tail swayed lazily behind be as I watched him.

"Huh? Wha- oh, morning Cal." He groaned and rubbed his eyes."Morning sleepy head." I laughed.I caught sight of a stack of lined papers with pencil sketches on them. From where I was stood I couldn't quite make out what they were of but one of them looked like a person hanging from something. It looked like it was a sad drawing. I guessed that they were drawn by Michael.

"I found something out last night." He told me.

"Yeah?" he nodded. "What was that?" I asked.

"Apparently since you're still mostly human you can go to the police about the fights and they have to listen. Also, the government supposedly knows about it too." Michael replied.

"Okay... Wait, where did you find this out from?" I asked with my head tilted and tail swaying back and forth.

"Clarissa told me, she asked to meet up with me. She wants me back..." he trailed off.

"Oh." was all I said and recoiled slightly when he mentioned her name. Michael deserved far better than her, he deserved the world and more and I wanted to be the one to get it for him. Not some nasty woman who treated him bad. But in the end, I didn't deserve him ever; I deserved to be at those fights still. The thought caused my tail to tuck between my legs and my ears to flatten, I shook my head in an attempt to rid my mind of the thoughts. 

"Are you okay?" Michael asked after a short while.

"Mhm, just thinking." I replied with a nod.


"Do you want to go do something today?" Michael asked from his spot in the kitchen in front of the stove.

"We have work." I reminded him.

"I have heaps of time off and surely Cali-"

"Naomi." I corrected him.

"Sorry, Naomi is bound to let you take some time off." Michael said.


"Just call her and ask." he urged.

"How do I do that?" I asked with a bright blush flaring up on my cheeks.Michael pinched the bridge of his nose before pulling a small rectangular looking thing - I learnt later that it was called a phone - and pressed a few buttons before putting it to his ear. He was talking into it and paused every so often. With a goodbye and a quiet beep he put the thing back into his pocket and smiled.

"You're mine for the day." Michael grinned.

"I feel like I should be worried." I said.

"Oh shush, you'll be fine." he chuckled.

"What are we gonna do then?" I asked with my head tilted to one side and my ears flopping over with it.

"That's so freaking adorable!" he cooed and reached out and patted my ears.

"Thanks?" I said not entirely sure of what to say. "So can I know what we're gonna do today?" I asked again.

"Oh right, yeah. We're gonna go shopping and get ice cream and maybe meet up with Ashton." Michael said.

"Sounds fun." I nodded. "But what money are you using?"

"You still have that lot of money you got right?" I nodded. "We could use that." he suggested.

"Yeah I guess." I shrugged.

"We don't have to if you don't want to." he said.

"No we can, I was just wondering." I replied.

"Yay." Michael grinned and stepped over to me properly. "Can I kiss you?" He asked quietly and brought a hand up to cup my cheek. 

"If you want to." I breathed and leaned into his touch. Michael didn't say anything more just leaned down and brought his lips to mine. I let my eyes flutter shut and wrapped my arms around his waist. We stood there kissing for a while before he pulled away and leaned his forehead on my own. 

"You're a really good kisser." He mumbled. I just smiled faintly and stared into his bright green eyes. I really liked Michael's eyes, they were a really pretty shade of green and had little flecks of blue and even little bits of gold in them. They seemed to twinkle when he was happy and go dull when he was sad. They were nicer when they twinkled to me his eyes should always be bright and happy not dull and sad and I would do anything in my power to keep them bright.

"Mikey?" I whispered. 

"Hm?" He asked. 

"What does love feel like?" I asked. 

Boom! It's been a while lol xD

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2016 ⏰

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