Eleven; Paisley

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Calum's POV:

Clarissa had cheated on Michael. It was a cruel truth and the boy didn't seem to want to accept it. He was curled up in a small ball on the motel room bed crying his eyes out. His eyes were red and puffy and had tears gushing from them as loud, ugly sobs fell from his mouth. I didn't quite know how to comfort him the way a human would, so I comforted him my way; a great big hug.

I quickly took off my coat and hat before carefully climbing on the bed beside him. I sat for a moment and thought, would he push me off? Would he tell me to leave? Would he accept the hug? I was hoping for the last one. I laid down beside him and wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him closer to me.

"It's okay Mikey, you're okay." I said softly as he cried into my chest. 

"She... She cheated... I can't-" hiccup. "I can't believe she-" hiccup. "would do that..." he broke down in tears once more and I never let go of him.

"C'mon Mikey, sit up." I told him softly. He slowly did as he was told and sat up but was leaning on me slightly. I rubbed his back soothingly and sighed, "You didn't deserve what she did."

"But I did-" Hiccup. "I did deserve it... I never did anything-" Hiccup. "I didn't give her a reason to stay." he sobbed.

"She didn't give you a reason to stay either." I countered. "She hit you Michael, if she loved you then she wouldn't have done that."

It clearly didn't help as he started to cry all over again.

"She never loved me." he wailed. "She never fucking loved me!"

"Calm down okay, she's not worth all this." I said softly and pulled him closer. I laid down and pulled him with me. We fell asleep in each other's arms, his sobs had reduced to quiet sniffles and hiccups as his breathing evened out and he fell asleep.


Michael was still asleep when I woke up the next morning. He was snoring softly as he laid there in my arms. It was a nice feeling, I didn't know what it was but having Michael asleep in my arms felt right for some reason.

I sighed sadly, Michael was so nice to me even though I am nothing but a mix of human and dog, and I hated it. It was the most gut wrenching feeling to know that I will never truly fit in. But, when I was with Michael, well it was different. I felt as though I did belong. It was like I had found somewhere where I could be the weird mix of human and dog that I was and not be judged for it. It was a comforting feeling. Michael moved slightly in his sleep and nuzzled his cheek against my chest. I smiled at his sleeping form and began to play with his hair. He moved around once more before he eventually woke up.

"Morning Clarissa." He yawned. He clearly forgot what had happened in his half asleep state. 

"Mikey, I'm Calum, not Clarissa." I reminded him softly. 

"Oh right..." He mumbled. He seemed to remember what had happened and looked sad again almost instantly. "Sorry Cal." 

"It's okay Mikey." I assured him. "You loved her a lot. I don't blame you." 

"Love." He said. 

"What?" I asked. 

"I still love her." He told me. "She helped me out of a really bad place... And I can't help but love her." He sighed. "I wish I didn't." He added much quieter. I didn't say anything, I simply draped an arm over his shoulder and allowed him to lean his head on my shoulder. 

"I think we have to go to work soon." I said quietly some time later. 

"You're right." Michael sighed. "Take a shower and then we'll go because you still stink." He chuckled. I nodded and laughed as I stood up from the bed and walked into the bathroom. I stopped in my tracks, I didn't know what a shower was let alone how it worked. I walked back into the main room.

"Uh... Mikey?" I asked. 

"Yeah?" He replied. 

"I don't know how to work the shower." I blushed. "Or what it is." 

"You really don't know much about life out of a cage do you?" He chuckled I nodded sheepishly. "Here, I'll show you." I got out of the shower after a while and walked into the main room with just a towel around my waist. I went over to my clothes and got changed. I heard a door shut and the shower start running. Once I was completely dressed I took a seat on the foot of the bed and played with the hat in my hands. A short while later, Michael came back into the room looking refreshed. 

"You ready to go?" He asked. 

"Mhm." I nodded and put my hat back on. We left the room and got into Michael's car once he had returned the key. He quickly turned on the car and began to drive through the town. 

"Have fun at work, I'll see you when I'm done and hopefully we'll have a better place to stay by then." He said as I got out of the car. 

"See you later Mikey." I waved as he drove away. I walked to the diner's front door and made my way inside. 

"Calum! You made it." Naomi cheered. 

"Course it is my job isn't it?" I chuckled. 

"So how's Michael and Clarissa" she asked. My smile fell at the mention of her name.

 "Don't mention her to Michael." I told her. 

"Why what happened?" She asked as I put on an apron after hanging up my coat. 

"She cheated on him." I mumbled. 

Naomi lifted her hand to her mouth and shook her head "Oh the poor thing. Is he okay?" She asked. 

"I don't know. I hugged him all night and he cried a lot." I replied. 

"I don't blame him." She said. "Do you two need a place to stay? I have the space but you'll need to help pay bills and stuff." She offered. 

"That would be great! But just check with Michael when he gets here later." I told her. 

"Will do." She nodded. 


Malum fluffy cuddles. They were a must have after Clarissa the bitch. Me and Ariana realised something, and that is that we always seem to make the antagonist or one of them be a girl. Lol we don't try to but it just happens xD

Peace out Girl Scouts, I'll see you on the flip side xx

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