Seventeen; Paisley

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Calum's POV:

Five words; Michael is scared of me. I knew that I couldn't properly control my anger, any of my emotions really, it comes with being part animal. But that's no excuse, I should've been able to control it. I had almost jumped the one real person who didn't think I was a lost cause and I felt terrible for it. Michael had left and I didn't know where he went so I slowly walked to the diner after pulling a hat on over my ears. My feet dragged across the pavement as I walked and kicked pebbles ahead of me with each step. I shouldn't have snapped at Michael, I shouldn't have lashed out, I should've just stayed calm and just listened to him. But of course I didn't. I let my pent up anger towards that damned place and took it out on Michael. I felt horrible. And as I stepped through the doors of the diner, my guilt only got worse.

"Hello there Calum." Naomi chirped from her place behind the counter. 

"Hey." I sighed and hung my coat up on a hook in the break room. 

"Are you okay?" The leopard hybrid asked. "You seem really sad." 

"M'fine." I replied. 

"I don't believe you." She stated. 

"Mhm, well I'm fine whether you believe me or not." I said. Naomi sighed and shook her head. 

"What happened with Michael?" She asked. 

"Wha- nothing happened I don't know what you're on about." I muttered. 

"I came home this morning to get something and heard you and Michael yelling. What happened Cal?" She asked softly. 

"He went to the fights..." I mumbled. "I told him not to but he did.. He betted too." 

"What!?" She exclaimed. "Oh..."

"Huh?" I asked. 

"He and Ashton had some top secret conversation, it must've been about that." She said. 

"Oh, I see." I felt betrayed and hurt and just sad in general. 

"You okay?" Naomi asked softly. I just shook my head. 

"He's scared of me.. I almost attacked him.. I don't know what to do." I said and let the tears start to fall. Naomi wrapped an arm around my shoulders and pulled me towards the couch. 

"I doubt that he's scared of you Cal, he likes you too much and you're way  too loyal to hurt him." She said.

"But I almost attacked him. I could've killed him Naomi." I paused. "I wouldn't be able to live with myself." I mumbled. 

"Let's just see how this day goes alright?" I nodded. "I'll talk to Michael tonight when he gets here." She said and patted my shoulder. "Now c'mon let's go serve some peoples." I laughed sadly but stood up either way and followed her out of the room.


Michael had just walked in and I could feel his eyes on my back as I stood at the grill cooking up some people's orders. I could sense that he was still scared of me. It only made it hurt worse. I decided to stay away from him until Naomi spoke to him, or just stay away forever. Yeah, that would be a lot easier than having Michael scared of me. 

"I just spoke to Michael." Naomi said as she came up beside me and started putting people's orders on plates. 

"And how'd that go?" I asked. 

"I'm not too sure." She shrugged. 

"Well that's helpful." I scoffed. 

"Hey, I did my best." She held her hands up in defence. "He does want to talk to you though."

I shook my head. "No, I can't control it properly. I feel like I'm gonna hurt him... It's like before a fight when we would hype ourselves up. But it's just happening and I don't wanna hurt him... He means too much to me." I mumbled the last bit. 

"You'll be fine okay Cal?" I nodded hesitantly. "Michael won't let himself get hurt at those godforsaken fights, he's rather smart and knows how to keep himself out of trouble." Naomi said. 

"I know but I don't want him there. Those fights are wild and beyond wrong, he may be smart but that place is a whole other level of bad." I said. 

"Just talk to him later alright?" 

"Okay.." I sighed. 


After I had finished up at the diner and Michael and I had gotten back to Naomi's apartment, I still hadn't said anything to him. I was too scared that we would start arguing and I would get too angry and worked up for me to even think about controlling. But I didn't need to say anything in the end, it was Michael who brought it up. I had been searching for spare blankets and pillows for me to use. I decided that I would sleep on the couch, it would just be easier that way. 

"What are you doing?" Michael asked. 

"Looking for blankets." I answered simply. 

"Aren't you gonna sleep in the bed with me?" He asked. 

"No." Was I said. 

"What, why?" He asked sounding completely confused. 

"Because you're scared of me and I don't want to make it worse, I like you too much for that to happen." I said and pulled a large fluffy grey blanket from a cupboard and a spare pillow from the bed. 

"I'm not scared of you though." Michael countered. 

"Yes you are, I can see it in your eyes and I can sense that you are. Please don't lie to me. You're also easy to read. But I don't blame you, I'd be scared of me too." I told him and draped the blanket over the couch before laying down on it and wrapping the left offer blanket around me.

Nothing else was said after that. Nothing but the slight squeak that escaped my lips when a pair of arms lifted me into the air and away from the couch. I was dropped on the bed and moments later, the same arms wrapped around me and pulled me into a tight hug. It's a it took; all it took to break down and cry for the first time in ages.


Awh poor Cal... I was trying to make this have a happy ending but that didn't happen. You can blame my irl so called 'best friend' for that. But also go check out my new story! It's called Bright Spark and it's Cashton!

Peace out girl scouts, I'll see you on the flip side xx

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