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I guess it's a nice day outside.
If you're that kind of person,  sure.
The sun is out, the ground is dry. Not too hot or too cold. Might be a little chilly but you know spring, it's coming. And for the first time in what seems like forever you can take a walk without your lungs freezing or your back sweating too much. Ew, right?

But I'm not that kind of person.
I miss the stars. The perfect night sky where I can see the stars and moon with no worries about a light making their sparkle dull. The perfect night where no bugs come and bother you, or you don't have to worry about anything.

I say anything as if there's never anything to worry about but what about those nights?
The nights where you're on the floor of your bathroom hoping and praying that your sadness isn't so strong it wakes them even though you do just about anything to keep from crying.
The nights where all you want to do is die in a hole at three in the morning because you have to get up in two or three hours to go to some school where everyone hates you.
Even the nights where you are laying in bed and realize that it's finally the first night where you can actually sleep because that day was the best day you've had in forever; it was so good you cling to that moment so hard because every time you have a good day, your bad days get worse and worse.
So you hold on but then it slips.
Slips so far out of your reach you're almost certain it was a nightmare.

Everything comes flooding back and as you lay on the ground in the grass looking at the stars, a light wind comes across your skin and you shiver a little. You get chills and you feel a wet line down your cheek. You feel a leaf in your hair getting tangled and it sounds like a bug eating something. You can see the sun peak through the clouds and notice that the stars are gone behind the clouds of gray as it starts to rain all of a sudden. But you don't move. You don't think. You just lay there.
You just let it flow..
Nobody is there, so why should you stop them from coming?
It's been so long.

You didn't remember the pain in your throat as it closes up. You didn't remember how it sounded as you let everything go. As you let all your emotions free.
You didn't even remember how it tasted to just cry. And cry. And cry.

It hurts so bad.
But you just let the pain flood you like a coursing river.
Just let it flow my dear.
It'll all be over soon.

And next thing you know,
Everything is dry and clear.
Everything is just as it was.

All because I-

I woke up.

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