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One day I was sitting in math class and my math teacher was upset because hardly anyone studied or did their homework and he didn't know why. And it just upset me so much. It's like he doesn't know what goes on in peoples mind. Like he doesn't know that most teens suffer from at least one mental disorder if they are lucky. Yes some of them are attention seekers but most aren't.
Most of the people there fight with themselves about getting out of bed in the first place. It pains them to just think about it. And he is worried about math homework that you'll never use again. He's worried about their math tests when he isn't the one taking it and almost everyone in there couldn't give a shit. He's worried about them getting some rule that doesn't actually matter so they can go on to tenth grade, when if it were up to most teens, they would have dropped out by now and to this day be beating themselves up over it.
For the love of god, please wake up. Please open your eyes and see the pain in their eyes. See the horror in their eyes. See everything they deal with and then tell me if we should study every night or go and get help. And don't try to tell them to see the counselor because they are a load of shit within themselves. I've been to one of them before and I didn't feel trusted, I didn't trust them, and I felt that everything I said was going in one ear and into someone else's. It's all a load of shit. Stop dumping it everywhere and WAKE UP.

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