Twenty One.

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Sometimes when I look into the mirror I see this girl who looks so foreign to me. She's always happy. Her eyes smile and sparkle. She seems like her life couldn't be more perfect...
But then other days I take a deeper look inside her eyes. And almost everything is dead because she's retreated to blocking every pebble, every rock, even every piece of paper from her heart so she can try once more to be happy again. She can't get another broken heart so now she's obsessed with not letting anyone get there. She can't even get there.
She'll lay in bed crying. Absolutely sobbing.
And she'll feel her heart ripping itself open over and over again.
But all she does is sob.

She needs help. She needs somewhere to go but she doesn't know who to go to because she thinks she's annoying.
So she puts on a smile and makes her eyes shine like you wouldn't believe.

But please.
Somebody help me.
I can't do this.

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