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Dear Anna,

You don't know how good it feels to hear you say that. Well write that. We can do this Anna. We can pull off a long distance relationship. It doesn't seem that hard we've been together so long that the distance won't even phase us. We will have one of those long distance relationships that everyone is jealous of.

I've been talk with my mom. We maybe going to see you this summer! We won't be able to stay long because I have summer baseball, but we should be able to stay there for a week or two. I really hope this plan goes through. 

I can't wait to be able to hold you in my arms again. I hope these next two months go by fast. You know how impatient I am.  I hate having to wait for something. Months feel like years to me. Your letter are going to have to keep me distracted so time goes by faster.

So I'm gonna switch the topic so I don't think about it anymore. Umm, shit I can't think of anything else. Uh how's the weather? The weathers been good here. I've gone surfing ever chance I get. I probably shouldn't have told you that. I don't want you to worry about me. I know that surfing makes you nervous because you are scared of open water. But I do t think there are any sharks around this area so I'm good. You can stop worrying about sharks.

Speaking of the open water, how are the beaches over there. Is it true that there are rock beaches? That seems really cool! If that's true you will have to show me. Dammit now I'm thinking about seeing you again. This is going to be very very difficult.

I should probably just end this letter here. I love you!

*Anna's pov*

After I was done reading the letter, I folded it back up and placed it in the box where I'm keeping all the letters.

I ran down the stairs looking for my mom. I found her sitting on the couch watching The Bachelor. She really loves this show.

"Hey mom." I say as I plop down next to her on the couch.

"Oh hey sweets!" She smiles at me and then quickly turn back to the Tv

"So do you know that Drew and his mom are planning on visiting this summer?" I question.

She freezes for a second and then looks at me. "That boy can't keep anything from you can he," she sighs." It was supposed to be a surprise."

"Oh my god!" I squeal! I am going to be able to see Drew in two months. I don't think I'm going to be able to wait that long.

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