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Dear Anna,

I wish I was there to hold and protect you. I'm sorry that people can be so mean. They so don't really think about anyone's feeling except their own. Just hold on until summer. I promise I will be there to hold you.

People are probably just jealous. I bet your show is the best one and they called in just to make you feel bad. Don't listen to them, just keep doing your show. I really wish I could listen to it. If you guys record the show, you should show me when I get there. Ugh, people make me mad. How dare someone hurt my girls feelings. That's isn't right. It's taking all I have not to get on a plane right now and go beat up all those kids. I know that probably isn't possible but still.

I need to calm down so I'm going to change the topic. My arm feels much better. I've been icing it every night. It doesn't even feel like it was hurt at all. I bet I could play right now. Coach won't let me though. It's killing me, I need to play! I haven't even been able to play catch! I actually haven't played catch for fun for a long time since my catching buddy left me. I still have your glove by the way. I keep it with all my baseball stuff. Should I bring it with me this summer? I bet you want to play catch just as much as I do. I remember that you used to beg me to play catch. You hated it at first but it kind of grew on you. I was so happy the first time you asked me if I wanted to play catch. It was at that moment I knew, that I had to marry you one day.

Have you seen the movie yet? I know it won't be the same since we said we would see it together. I haven't seen it yet because I don't want to watch it without you. But if you want to go see it you can. If you do go see it, don't tell me anything. I'm going to buy the movie when it comes out on DvD, I'll bring it with me when I come to see you. Wow everything that I've talked about has related to me seeing you this summer. I need to stop.

I'm just going to end this letter here.

Love You,

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