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There was no way to describe the crushing feeling. My eyes had gone into denial, as did the rest of me. A part of me placed the blame on the alcohol, but I knew that was a story I conjured up to make something real, fake.

Just as the note before its words burned bright while everything around stayed dark. My heart was racing at speeds that exceeded the normal. My eyes wandered aimlessly trying to occupy themselves while my brain worked in overdrive.

Chills spanned the length of my back as every hair on my body began to stand upright. How did six small words manage to alter my mood in a matter of seconds?

Had it been any other six words I would have remained calm, but this one managed to scare the living daylights out of me.

My brain didn't give a second thought before it took off in the direction Of the house. While people began swaying in all directions and grinding about with red solo cups spilling their hazy goodness I found myself enclosed in my own personal bubble. The world around me was completely closed off from me as I wove my way through the partygoers.

He was in sight. I could see his head perfectly as he talked to the people around him.

My throat was becoming dry as each cry for his name sprung from my lungs. I was more surprised then anything that I could yell so loud, but nobody seemed to hear a word that was being yelled.

Each attempt I made to inch closer towards I felt my body being pushed backwards to where I was back outside.

Each failed attempt was never heard. My cries ingnored and I was on the brink of insanity. How I ended up in the pool is beyond me.

All I could feel was the impending weight of the water pushing me deeper into the chlorine filled waters.

I knew how to swim, but in this moment my body had become paralyzed. As my head came in contact with the cement below I took my last final breath and woke with coughs.

Any thoughts of dying swept into the air surrounding me as I began to take in this scene before me.

"Oh thank God" Damon ushered relived at my sudden actions. His skin had been drained of any color to where he was now a bleak sheet of white paper. His eyes still held a glossy film that masked any trace of emotion.

"What the hell happened?" My voice was raspy. My hand immediately flew to my throat as if the comfort of a hand would soothe it.

"You don't remember?"

"If I did do you think i would be asking the question?" Idiotic questions like that aggravate me. They also turn me into Sarcastic Sally as you can tell. I immediately realized shouldn't have said that, but it was too late for he was already speaking.

"Sorry that should have been obvious" The way his voice spoke laced with hurt made me immediately recall my actions.

"No I'm sorry. I just - you know what forget it. Can you please tell me what happened?"

He suppressed a sigh through his tight lips and then spoke. "After your brothers interrogated you or whatever you stormed off. Of course you were fuming with anger and so while you were stomping up the stairs you misplaced your foot and fell back down to the ground."

That would explain this impending headache that only seemed to be growing.

I have no clue why it took me this long to piece things together, but I never made it to the party. Nor did Damon. Which means that everything was a dream, including the note. Everything felt so life like, but somehow it wasn't.

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