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Lana's POV

Two Weeks later

It had been two weeks since our encounter with Tess. No one had been seriously injured in the process and we were all very thankful everyone had made it out safe and sound. The only ones that sustained major injuries were Axel and I, but we healed up very nicely. We were able to go about our daily routine once more.

As for Tess, no one really knows what happened to her. One of the guards went to scope out the area where her lair had been but saw no traces of her or anyone else. I guess maybe the rouges took her for some food.

I had found out what happened between Axel and Eve one day when Axel had came to visit me after we were released from the hospital. We sat down for a good hour and discussed everything. Never had I thought after what I had been through I would consider myself friends with Axel, but everything had worked itself out. He gave me a true apology and I so kindly accepted it, although on the inside I kind of wanted to slap him.

As for my family, they were still as insane as ever and they had no intentions of finishing their travels around the world. Well except my parents. The minute I was at home safely they took off to finish their journey and left Gage in charge.

As for Damon him and Axel had worked through their differences and were back to the duo they once were.

Upon my release I had officially moved into Damon's house and we were just starting off a new chapter in our life. No we weren't engaged nor was I pregnant, but for the time being we were going to enjoy the mated life before we settled down. Give me a break people I am only twenty! Rather I should say newly twenty as I had celebrated my birthday last week. I didn't want anything big so I had a small party which was as perfect as anything I could ask for.

Today marks the one year anniversary since I had met Damon after being rejected by Axel. Last year on June 4th I had never pictured my life to end up the way it did. Sure I had to go up a few hills to get there, but finally the coaster had pulled back into the station. It's funny how fast time flies. The good part is that summer football is back again.

Tonight was the season opener and of course Damon had expected me to be there as his number one cheerleader.

I was reluctant to say yes, but eventually I agreed.

So here I am now, sitting with the entire pack on metal bleachers cheering for the team. I'm had really missed out on a lot of fun this past year.

Leah sat beside me as the rest if our brothers were eligible to play on the team and so they sat on the bench awaiting their turn. Currently only Gage,Trystan, and Talon were on the field.

"Wait so in football it's touchdowns right?"

"Yes Leah. How is it that you are fourteen years old and still don't understand something so simple as a touchdown"

She gave me the 'I don't know' look and continued to look at the action on the field. However I think she was more entranced by a certain someone.

"Leah, who's that guy you keep staring at?"

She practically fell out of her spot and onto the floor.

"What guy? I don't know what you're talking about"

It was quite amusing to see her so flustered. Her cheeks had turned red and she was smiling like crazy.

"Really now? I see you eyeballing a certain someone" I made my voice go high pitched as I teased her for having a crush on whoever. I think fourteen was an eligible age to begin dating and I was going to encourage my sister as much as possible. After all she was the only sister I had. The rest were boys and could go to one another for help. Whereas Leah and I only had each other and our friends.

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