Sibling Affection

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>>> On the side are two very handsome men.

My feet dangled over the edge of the cliff as I watched the sun dip into the water below. Sunset was upon me and I couldn't bring myself to leave this secluded area. Visions of red, yellow, and orange danced around my eyesight as I took in this breathtaking scene. It had been a good two hours since I arrived. This had been going on for the past three days since Damon abruptly stopped talking because of the incident he saw that occurred between Axel and me. It had become sort of a reoccurring thing every night since then that I came here after my run. It felt good to rekindle with my wolf. It was almost like I was set free from a cage in which I was trapped.

A snap of leaves in the distance captured my attention. I craned my neck to the right and saw my brother Trystan approaching me slowly. He came and sat down right beside me.

"How long has it been?" He questioned me. His caring tone resonated into my ears making my guilty conscious only heighten. My entire family was under the impression that Damon was my mate for some reason. I didn't have the heart to tell them he wasn't so instead I swallowed my confession allowing my guilt to build up. Eventually I would have to tell them, but now wasn't the right time. "It's been three days."

Both our eyes were trained on the scene before us as our voices trailed off. He sensed this was a touchy subject so he dismissed the topic at hand. Seeing him this worried about me made me want to dig myself into yet another hole of self-pity. Trystan was never one to show emotions. He always hid them inside, but only vented them to me. I did the same as well, but I felt like I was betraying him by hiding such a big secret from him. After he was practically my other half, since we were twins.

A battle was brewing inside me as I contemplated whether or not I should tell Trystan the truth. While my brain was telling me no, my heart was saying yes. Instead my mouth betrayed both of them and spoke against my actions. The words slipped from my mouth before I had a chance to recover them.

"Trystan I need to tell you something" On cue he sensed the urgency in my voice and turned my way.

"What is it?"

I had a hard time forming the next words in my mouth due to the lump I was currently trying to swallow. "Damon isn't my mate, he's just a friend." His entire body went still as he took my words into account.

"Then who is your mate?" Ah, the dreaded question. I knew it would make its appearance soon, but just not as soon.



It was an absolute horror retelling the events that took place over the last five months. The only light that was shed in the situation was Damon who was there to help me through a rough patch. Trystan had wondered off as his eyes stared out into the darkness. It was obvious he was distraught by my story since he had yet to give me a reply. While many people believed that Gage was more protective of me than any of my other siblings, Trystan was the overprotective one. VERY overprotective at that. I was in slight shock at the fact he said nothing since he had been back. He let Gage do all the work while he sat in the dark. It was a bit shocking, but now I knew he was back to his overprotective self.

He suppressed what sounded to be an angry sigh. I couldn't be sure if it was a response, but shortly after words came frolicking out of his mouth. "I should beat him until he's dead for hurting you, but I won't" He licked his lips while he took a small pause. "And that's because this is your situation to handle and not mine"

A smile graced my face because for once Trystan was letting me handle something on my own. However this sudden change in him was duly noted. It was very unlikely of him to do something like this and it had the gears in my head turning.

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