Family Of The Year

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*PIcture on the side of Lana and Damon*

As compensation for the spiteful words yesterday shared yesterday, Damon made it up to me by surprising me with a giant tub of caramel delight ice cream. I devoured the sweet goodness in five minutes flat, and that is a fact. Damon's face seemed to morph into a vast variety of expressions as each spoonful of ice cream went into my mouth. What can I say, I love ice cream. It's my weakness. I felt that my ideal payment should have been him on his knees begging for forgiveness, but sweets work too. After the events of yesterday I was still fully unaware of the whole situation with Tess, but I would have to trust Damon's words that it was only for my safety.

Yes I was still upset about the fact that he tried to boss me around, but I would have to put all that behind me today as it was yet another painful day, literally. The pain brewing inside of my body had grown so unbearable as I laid withering on the ground. Usually I had Damon to help me through the process, but he was out enjoying the day with his friends. My usual tactics had done no help at all, so instead I let the pain consume me. My body was trembling with aches and pains as the darkness began to engulf me. I was floating in and out of consciousness as I laid there on the ground.

A trembling hand came in contact with my shoulder shaking me violently ."Lana!" The voice screamed repetitively as they shook my body more and more. The darkness took over once more but once it faded the voice was still there. "Lana you're going to be ok, I promise" The voice was shaking with fear. I felt my body become frozen in shock as I lay completely still.

The pain began to subside and soon it was all gone. A hand was clutched tightly in mine and the sounds of low cries could be heard. I had regained all my senses back and was fully aware of everything around me. I turned my head to the side and my eyes came in contact with a familiar figure.

"Damon" I breathed happily. He cries were still ringing in my ears as he turned to face my way. Tears stained his face and his eyes were swimming pools of sadness. Instead of responding he pulled me into a bone crushing hug. "God Lana, I thought you were dying" He breathed into the crook of my neck. His scent radiated comfort and everything was now back in place. My mind was whirling with confusion as to how he figured out I was in pain when he was out.

I pondered asking him, but decided against it. "I'm fine it's just the usual" I chided trying to dismiss the topic at hand. He looked at me bewildered almost as if my words were white lies said to comfort him. "You didn't see what I did Lana. I don't ever want to see you like that again" His voice was shaking with each word he said. He was distraught by the situation and I couldn't blame him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him into my hold. Seeing Damon like this was something I never wanted to witness again. The way his eyes held so much sadness for me made my heart shatter. He cared about me and I knew that, but I had no intentions of going anywhere anytime soon. Unless it was to the nearest Cold Stone Creamery.

"Is there any way I can regain my man card from this?" He joked trying to make light of the situation. I pulled away from his with my hands still clasped behind is neck as I laughed at his comment. His mouth stretched from a thin line into an upward smile as he took in my laughter. "Nah, I don't so"


Although I was still puzzled by the fact that Damon had somehow magically appeared during my struggle I put the thoughts aside and focused on the task at hand, beating Damon in a heated battle of Just Dance. There was one thing I could not stand and that was being a loser and I was most definitely not going to lose to the likes of him. Currently I was on a winning streak as I dominated over him in Run The Show by Kat Deluna.

He strived to win, but in the end I won by a two star lead. "That's not fair, all you did was move the remote while I was breaking a sweat" He complained in annoyance at the fact I had beat him. My smile was about as wide as they get as I took in this rare moment. "You idiot we are on the Kinect" His face faltered even more at his last statement. Someone was in denial. "Whatever you still cheated"

I laughed at his childish ways. The boy was something else. Behind his tough exterior he was a big softy, kind of like a plush teddy bear. Which is a total violation of keeping your "man card", but let's keep that between us shall we?

The sound of a ringtone burst into the air slicing my next words in half. I dug into the depths of my pocket and pulled out my phone. With one look at the contact name I knew I was regretting what was to come. I groaned at the fact my family had the best timing in the world. I quickly slid the answer button and pressed the screen to my ear. "What do you want?" I asked bluntly.

"Where are you?" My annoyance of a brother, Trystan, asked from the other end. To be perfectly honest I was in no mood to deal with his usual antics, but knowing my brother he wouldn't stop bothering me until I complied with him. "I'm at the pack house" I responded.

"Oh that's cool us too" My body was literally frozen with shock as he words clearly formed in my brain. Not only did I have to deal with the stress of my mate, but also with the aggravation of my family. Don't get me wrong I love them to pieces, they are just a bit much. "Don't worry we will find you, Liam is tracking your scent"

Fantastic. Just as my finger was hovering over the end call button what sounded to be an earthquake came pounding our way. "What the hell is that?" Damon asked inquiringly. I turned to face him and replied with "My family" just as they busted through the door.

Ladies and Gentleman, I present to you the rest of the Davalos clan. I'm not exaggerating when I say clan because technically that's what we are. There are ten of us excluding my parents. I am the third oldest alongside my twin brother Trystan, who just happens to be the older twin by a minute. Gage is the oldest of us all at the ripe age of twenty one. Below us is Liam who is eighteen. Liam, in turn, is then followed by Christian who is seventeen. Trailing behind Christian is Jace who is sixteen. Zack follows Jace at fifteen. The second set of twins come after Zack , Lea and Talon, who are fourteen. Last but not least is the young Damien at the age of thirteen.

Yes I know it's quite the handful, but you can't choose family. "Holy shit Lana is that your mate?" Leah asked as she analyzed Damon from head to toe. My mother looked over at her sternly as did my father. "Watch that mouth young lady" she threatened in her usual strict demeanor.

"Sorry it slipped"

"You're damn right it slipped, just like the soap is going to accidentally slip in your mouth" my father voiced to her. The rest of the boys snickered and my mother silenced their gimmicks with her evil eyes. I swear the woman was part she-devil.

Meanwhile Damon just stood there like a deer in headlights reeling in the scene before him. "Wait what the hell are you doing in a guys room?" Gage questioned as he raised his eyebrow. Oh God, not this again. You see my family had a way of embarrassing me in front of the opposite sex, which you can guess had all the guys running in the opposite direction. A chorus of 'yeahs' were thrown into the air as my family waited for a response. When were they ever going accept the fact that I was approaching the age of twenty and was well over the appropriate age to be seen in close proximity to a guy.

"Because I can be" They all stared at me like that wasn't the answer I was supposed to return with. Their shocked expression stared into my blank one.

"Is that Damon D'amato?" Talon asked as he peered over Lea's shoulder. I turned to face Damon and he was still in the same position he was a few minutes ago. "Yes it is, now I will see you guys later" I shooed them back out the door and then slammed it shut. It had only been six months into their one year around the world trip and here they were back in Claytonville. Couldn't they just go back?

"Wow, that was -"

"Horrifying I know" I finished for Damon as he stood there still trying to make sense of the mystery that is my family. Damon put on his trademark smirk and just stared at me. "I was actually going to say amusing. I was even considering going to get some popcorn, but I decided not to"

"Most people do"

"Don't worry, my family is worse"


This whole 'no authors note' thing really isn't working out for me.

I managed to crank out this chapter on the trip back home so enjoy! It's not the best chapter but it's an introduction to the rest of the Davalos family as they are important.

Thanks for the reads as well!!!

The update next thursday will be a long one and a very interesting one

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