A Strange Relationship

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Two Months Later

Being ignorant is something most people are able to do, but tolerating ignorance is a different story. If I would have two months in advance that he would have acted like this, I would have said declined his offer of a date and spared myself the daily drama. However, my heart ached for Damon and I wanted nothing more than to be with him. I don't regret the decision one bit because each day my feelings grow more and more. What I do regret is ever allowing myself to tell Trystan of my current status. That was the day things went wrong.

In a few short moments after my confession, the news spread to my immediate family momentarily. Needless to say it didn't take very long, after that it was hard to track down who told who, but eventually the news arrived to the one person who I desperately wished it wouldn't.

He was furious beyond belief. His actions were very uncalled for, but from that day forward Axel made it a point to make my life a living hell. literally.

He would antagonize me to an extent where I was ready to choke someone. His brutal name calling was uncalled for and his VERY unnecessary physical contact. I have been shoved around a few times when there was no need for it. I hadn't told Damon about our physical encounters because I did not need more drama in my life.

Often I contemplated the fact that I must have done something horrendously wrong in a past life that I was paying for it now. Life is a roller coaster full of twist and turns and this time was on of them.

Unfortunately I wasn't blessed with stealthing skills and sneaking my way around the pack grounds without being caught by Axel was virtually impossible for me, and so once again he was ready to begin another petty fight.

"Going to see Damon" I was caught red handed as I walked out from tree that I was currently hiding behind. Without even acknowledging his presence I continued walking forward with a straight face. Thats when the claws pushed into my skin once again.

I cringed with pain and slowly let it begin to fuel my anger.

"Are you?" There was denying the fact his voice was laced with anger.

"It's none of your business if I am." I dead panned. My reply didn't stir an pleasing reaction in him and so he dug deeper causing me to reel in more pain.

"Need I remind you of who your mate is?"

"No thanks. My mate is an asshole that's all there is to it, no need to remind me" This got him raging. With reverse psychology I began to think like him as I always did to show his I wouldn't succumb to his power.

"Can't you see I'm only helping you" he grunted. Strange, I didn't peg daily arguments and clawing your mate "helping"

"Helping me how? you've only made my life worse since the day you rejected me"

"I.did.not.reject.you" with a full tank of anger running about his body he slowly ground out each word. Rejection always stirred up a reaction out of him.

"You did. The minute your lips connected with hers you rejected me. You may not have said it, but you conveyed with your actions." He stayed silently watching me intently.

"I'm still your mate and you will listen to me" I snorted.

"Don't get your alpha power mixed in with your mate. They are two different things. And for the record I don't have to listen to you" I took the opportunity to jerk my arm free of his claws and let my wounds heal slowly.

"Stay away from him Lana."

"No can do". I left him there standing there while I sauntered away with devilish smile.

I was a firework ready to explode, but not with beauty and awe but rather with anger. The whole walk to Damon's house I was fuming.

Was I not allowed happiness? The one person I should be getting it from gives me the cold shoulder. It's not fair.

My entire mood changed drastically in the span of a few minutes. The minute the door swung open to reveal his smiling face I could feel the unexplainable warmth taking over my body.  It's an unusual feeling that I have yet to make sense of, but I'm hoping that one day I will be able to.

"Hey Lana Boo" I didn't even bother to respond but instead just wrapped my arms around him and embraced his calming scent. Damon had no knowledge of the daily altercations that took place between Axel and I, and  intended to keep it that way.

I was hiding alot from him and boy did it make me feel guilty. He had done so much for me even know and  I still felt like I haven't done a single thing to repay him.

Once he pulled away he caressed his thumb against my cheek in a soothing manner. I watched as he peered at me with caring eyes.

"What happened this time?"

My asshole mate, that's what happened.

"Nothing I just wanted a hug" I played hoping to sidetrack another one of these talks.

"You can have a hug whenever Lana Boo" his caring words melted into my ears like chocolate in my hands.

He whisked me inside the house and locked the door securely behind us. As our hands intermingled with one another we walked in the direction of his bedroom as we always did.

Our relationship was beginning to evolve. We had gone from being friends to dating, but had yet to take the crucial step in offically becoming a true couple. I was a bit skeptical still since I still felt that I belonged to my mate and no one else, but each day he proved that he was worthy of my affection.

And I was more than happy to return that affection.

We laid on the bed with our bodies tangled as we talked about pure nonsense. These were the nights I thrived for. The nights where I was able to express my inner weirdness and not be judged but rather have someone beside me who was just the same inside.

We talked all night about the most random things and this was just another day to add to the collection.

Time flew by in the blink of an eye and before I knew it spots of light came bursting through open slits in the curtains.

I shut my eyes more because I loathed mornings with a passion, but they are something you can't escape.

After all today was date night, and the thought alone left a smile on my face.


I update when I can if you are still reading this story.

remember quality>quantity

This chapter is split in two for some strange reason so I ended it in a place  where it deemed appropriate.

As for the two month thing I skipped so much time because all they did was go on dates and became closer.

all you need to expect are a few twisting turn of events and of course LOTS of drama following this next chapter

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