Cut Off

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I remember being with Damon on the cliff that overlooked the ocean.

I remember him holding me in his embrace.

I remember riding home in the truck

I remember the way our hands crafted together as we walked home.

I remember becoming nestled in his arms as we slept

But I don't remember waking up .


When my eyes finally found the will to open I found myself enclosed in a small grey room. The lights never faltered and the door was heavily guarded. Security cameras were nowhere to be found and I found myself strapped to a chair.

What in the world?

"Excuse me, can one of you nice gentleman tell me what's going on?"

I tried to be polite about the situation, but instead I got a rather rude answer in response.

"No, but I can tell you that if you say another word I will tie those straps a bit tighter"

I shook my head furiously side to side and stayed quiet. Well, I wonder what crawled up his butt and died.

I looked around for any indication of where I was, but found nothing. It didn't quite hit me till a good few hours later that I could indeed use mind link to get ahold of Damon.

And so I sat there looking like a constipated idiot with a scrunched up face as I attempted to reach Damon. I even went as far as imagining myself knocking on his brain.

Get it? Cause it's a mindlink? Ah, never mind.

Eventually I got a response and I could immediately feel the emotions running through him

Lana, where are you at?

I rolled my eyes at his idiocy. It's not like the evil henchmen who took me hostage gave me a brochure to the current evil lair I was staying in. Geez, heroes get stupider by the decade I swear. of course I responded like any person normally would.

I don't know Damon.

As he rambled on about so many things that I could not help with whatsoever, I decided in that moment that I wasn't going to depend on him.

He had been my anchor for so long and he had dug me out of the hole I was in and changed my life for the best. Now, it was my turn to save him.

That's what they wanted, Damon.

So instead of complying with his request I simply shut off the link. It was the hardest thing I have ever had to do, but I wasn't going to let him die.

I couldn't struggle to get out as they had wrapped me up in duct tape, which when applied correctly is VERY strong. So I sat patiently trying to come up with a plan, but alas nothing. I came up short handed each and every time.

After what I presumed to be hours a familiar figure walked through the door, but it wasn't Tess.

"Well isn't it nice seeing you here" I would know that voice anywhere. It reeked of bitchiness.

"Nice to see you too Eve"

I was at a loss for words watching as drew closer to me. She had betrayed Axel. It quite amusing actually that I found myself feeling pity for for the man that caused heart shattering pain.

"How could you?"

She smiled evilly. Quietly she spun around on her heel and faced me.

"How could I what?"

"How could you do this to Axel?"

She quietly stalked around my chair as she pondered what to say.

"Well, it's simple. I needed information and Axel and I already had a thing so I did what was easiest to get information out if him. The crazy sex was just a plus"

She smirked. Who would have ever thought Eve would betray her beloved Axel. It took every ounce of willpower in me to not break free and slap her to Antarctica. Yes he had done me wrong, but at one point in my life he was my sole purpose to be on earth.

"But enough about Axel, I'm here for you"

I rolled my eyes with annoyance.

"Well whatever you are looking for you aren't going to get"

She became irritated quickly by my answer and so she acted on her impulses and slapped me across the face. In fact I was glad she did. Duct tape wouldn't restrain me, not if I wanted to shift.

"You slap like a bitch"

She didn't like that answer either. Instead of slapping me she punched me straight in the jaw, but I felt no pain whatsoever. I was too fueled with adrenaline to even feel pain

"That's a warning. Next time I come in here, you won't feel very pleasant once I'm done with you"

She stalked off with the sound if her high heels clicking against the ground. I watched as she walked toward a keypad and began to insert a code, one in which would unlock the door.

With my very sharp eyes I watched as she clocked in the password and disappeared. Now I could escape if I could just get out of the duct tape. Of course my plan was cut short the minute a security guard burst through the room

"Oh great just the person I was looking for!" My sarcasm was duly noted as he held his gun in his hand.

"Look I know that you're supposed to keep me tied up and all but do you think you can loosen these restraints just a little bit?"

I received no answer whatsoever. Well, there goes a little bit of comfort.


Yes I know it's short, but I couldn't really think of anything else! next chapter should be up soon .

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