I Deserve An Oscar

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>> I think the song on thee song describes Lana's current situation....

Instead of telling Damon about my recent trip to insanity I decided to leave him in the dark about the note or the dream I had. Instead I had other things to preoccupy myself with. One of which involved Damon's upcoming birthday. It's shocking how fast time flies. It felt like just yesterday he volunteered to help me, a lost cause at the time, nearly five months ago. Since he had been the one to dig me out of this hole in which I had thrown myself in, I decided I would surprise him on his twenty first birthday. Although it was a lot harder than one would expect. I spent many countless hours throughout numerous days obsessing over the day his mom brought him into this world.

I don't understand why men thought women were so complicated, men seemed a lot more problematical in my mind. Or maybe it was the simple fact that they were such simpletons it was hard to go above and beyond. I always strived for perfection and nothing less, and his birthday needed to be perfect.

"Dear lord you're a mess" Tess exclaimed as she lifted my head from the table. I had been using my lunch break to summon up more ideas for Damon, but instead I flopped literally. My head was sporting a rather massive headache from each pounding it suffered against the table.

"Tell me about it. I don't know why I'm so stressed. I mean it's just a birthday surprise" Tess plopped herself down into the seat in front of me with a steaming tray of hot food. Thank the lord for Guru Burgers; she passed out the food she had purchased for the both of us before renewing the conversation.

"You are stressing yourself out over nothing. Seriously just but the guy some alcohol, after all it's his twenty first birthday" She had a point. Maybe alcohol was the best option. However I knew Tess, and she had a reason for everything.

"I mean it's obvious you like the man. Get him drunk and have a little fun with him, if you know what I mean", and there it is.

My body went into denial. I did not like Damon, or at least I didn't think I did. Hell I was never good with emotions, and as of right now I had no clue what I was feeling. Yes a part of me felt connected with him, I just didn't know how. Then another part was still glued to Axel.

Did I find him attractive? Yes, I did, but by no means does that mean like him. Ugh, darn these emotions roaming throughout my body.

Tess was still patiently awaiting an answer from me since my brain had decided to stay stuck on stupid. "Oh c'mon Tess, that's not fair. How the hell am I supposed to buy him alcohol when I'm nineteen" Yes, I was avoiding the topic about having feelings for Damon, but my question was still reasonable.

"I have the perfect solution to that" Her mischievous smirk had already formed and was plastered on her face. The terrible Tess was back in action.


You're doing this for Damon

I had already chanted the line persistently to myself. When Tess had told me of her brilliant plan I was all but for it. Unfortunately she has remarkable persuasive skills and could get anyone to obey her power, including me.

Yes I had succumbed to her power, but what she failed to mention was that I would be a walking advertisement for sluts everywhere.

"Lana this is THE perfect outfit. He will not be able to even think once he sees you in this. At this point I'm seriously considering batting for the other team because you look amazing"

"But you neglected to mention the fact I would possibly mistaken as a prostitute"

"God, you're being overdramatic. Just go"

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