Rejection Hurts

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"Honey, the day you meet your mate will be the best day ever. I promise" she cooned in her motherly tone.  

A smile adorned my face as I reeled in her words. My eyes as big and wide, swimming with wonder.  

Being the naive child I was grew up believing that day I met my mate would be a life changer, and it was, just not like I hoped.  


The word tumbled out of my mouth as if it had a nasty taste to it, quickly. "Mate" I whispered so low it was almost mute.  

He turned to me and looked at me with denial clouding his face. It was blantly obvious I was not wanted, and he made a point to show that me.  

Quickly he pulled Eve into his arms and then crashed his lips against hers, forgetting about me instantly.  

I did not want to admit to defeat, but I knew I had to. Axel Black was head over heels in love with Eve Johnson, and he always will be. Since the day they met five years ago, it was evident the love they shared was stronger than the gravitational pull that held us to the ground.  

Meeting his mate should have changed his perspective on their relationship, but it did not whatsoever. To add the the cliche moment of being rejected, the clouds released their fury upon the world below. Rain began to pelt down on me as the couple walked away, leaving me heartbroken in the pouring rain.  

My heart burst into a million tiny prices at the sight of them together. Never had it bothered me before, but now it pained me to see them together.  

The rain shadowed the tears that trailed down my face as I stood there reeling in the pain.  

This was never the sight I imagined inside my head all these years. The gears in my head began going into overdrive as I thought about what was to come. Soon my thoughts engulfed me completely to where I was oblivious to the world around me.  

"Are you ok?" A clouded voice asked. I felt as if I was imaging the world around me, but once I gained my reconciousness of reality, I realized the voice was really there. 

"Are you ok?" The voice cooed caringly. His voice was like any other, it was deep and mysterious, yet it held a caring tone.  

My mouth refused to speak, but I pryed it open with my words. "Yeah I'm fine". The lie was as unreadable as they come. With the rain covering my sadness and my voice masked to perfection, mystery man had no proof to pin the lying card on me. 

"You're lying". Just those two words were enough to heighten my curiosity even more about him even more, but right now I just needed to get away/

I turned to walk away, but my step was cut short the minute he grasped my forearm. Once he had my full attention trained on him I looked up into his frazzled green orbs. He stared at me with wide eyes as if he were a lovesick puppy. "Why do you care if I'm lying or not?" I questioned daringly. He started at me intently, analyzing every aspect of me, or at least that's what if felt like as I awaited his response. 

"Because, a pretty girl like you doesn't need to cry over a guy like him". My mouth kept widening in surprise at his words. For one thing he was a smooth talker.  

"W-who are y-you?" A smile grew across his face before he spoke. " I'm not surprised that you don't know me Eve, you don't tend to associate yourself with anyone in the pack" he paused waiting for my input. I had nothing to say as of now so I flagged him to go on. "I'm Damon, Alpha Black's beta" he extended his hand to me in a welcoming tone. I shook it not knowing what else to do.  

He laughed at my actions. It was as if if he expected my handshake to be a different action. He let go quietly before making his way over to me. "Let's approach this differently shall we?"  

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Approach wh---" My words fell short the minute Damon picked me up bridal style before we began trudging through the rain to only God knows where.  

My heart was frantically racing and I could hear my heartbeat thumping inside my ears. I despised surprises with a passion, they made me queasy and nervous as you can tell. We trudged slowly through the rain since our baggy clothes held us down. If it wasn't for my extra weight placed in his hands, we would have moved just a tad faster. 

It only occurred to me then that it was pouring down rain. My mind was too caught up in what happened that I was clueless to the world around me. 

After what felt like an eternity, we arrived at a car, well a truck.  

Damon placed me carefully on the ground like a porcelain doll. He quickly fetched two towels that were inside his car an draped them over his plush seats. Once again without a warning he swooped me into his arms and hoisted me onto the passenger seat with no trouble whatsoever.  

He closed the door behind me and the ran like the wind to the drivers seat. Seconds later he pulled into the seat soaking wet and dripping water.  

His clothes clung to his body for dear life and he sat there quietly. The only sounds present were the sound of our  breathing. No one had yet to say a word, so I cut the silence hanging in the air.  

"What are you doing?" I questioned curiously. He sat their silently before releasing a deep sigh. "I saw what happened back there" he answered completely off topic to my question. 

My heart tightened at the mention. "I don't know what you are talking about" I lied.  

"You can try to put it all behind you, but you can't. Every time you see them together it will bring back memories and pain. It never fails, trust me" I took his words into account. His words didn't seem to add up though. Until it finally struck me.  

"Were you rejected too?". He turned and faced me before laughing sadly. "I'd rather be rejected than mate- less" he stumbled out. His words were heavy and loaded with sadness.  

"Y-you're a f-f-forbidden" I stuttered out.  

"Yes" he said with gritted teeth and clenched fist. He actions made me jump a bit with the amount of anger radiating from him. With his head held in between his hands he seemed furious and sad at the same time. I reached my hand out to him and took his hand in mine. "I'm sorry"  

His sad eyes stared into mine for the longest of time. I have never seen someone so vulnerable, especially a man. I would never understand the pain a forbidden held, but I heard it was worse than losing your mate. I couldn't fathom the pain he was in.  

"Let me help you" he breathed out. My breath was caught in my throat. He just threw me a cruveball and one that was completely out of the blue. What did he mean by let me help you? "What?" 

"Let me help you" he ground out each word slowly. I don't know what it was that made me agree, but I did. 

And that's where it all began.

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