Chapter 3

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***Hey people! So here's another chapter for you, so enjoy it! Oh, and please let me know what you think, it'll only help me get better!

Pic of Grace over cute is she???

Oh and this chapter is dedicated to xoshannonxo27,  aka my best friend! So Shan, this is my way of thanking you for being there for me! I love you, best friend:)  And guys, check out her story, My Country Man, one of my personal favorites, but you'll love it too!***

Chapter 3
Austin’s POV
           I tapped my foot under my desk, willing the clock to move faster. This was my last period before study hall. This was my last period before I got to see Grace. My Grace. Or, at least I liked to think of her as mine. Someday she would be, and I wished for that day to come soon. I couldn’t settle for any other girl, it had to be her. She was different, and unique. She was Grace. That’s all there was to it, there was no other way for me to explain it.
           The bell rang and I jumped from my seat, dashing out of the room ahead of everyone else. I knew that my going fast wouldn’t make Grace get to the library any quicker, but I jogged through the halls anyway.
           I didn’t usually get so excited over seeing the same girl for weeks. But this was Grace we were talking about, and she was different. She was real. All those other girls I’d been with, they were just so fake. Countless time I’ve waited for girls who show up late for a date. They came with makeup caked on their faces, and the smell of hairspray always stuck in my car for days afterwards.Their hair was fake, their noses were fake, everything about them was fake. Grace wasn’t like that though, she was a real person with a real personality, who was also naturally and extremely beautiful.
           I burst through the library doors and looked for Grace. She was sitting in her usual seat. She truly was breathtaking, I just couldn’t say that enough.
           I walked over to her table.
           “Anyone sitting here?” I said, gesturing to the empty seat beside her.
           “Does it look like anyone’s sitting there?” she snapped.
           “In that case,” I shrugged, sitting down.
           She glared at me. I raised my eyebrows, waiting for her to tell me to move. When I didn’t get up and leave, she went back to her work. She was so cute when she was mad. Her brows crinkled together, and her nose wrinkled up. It was hard not to laugh when she looked at me like that, but I knew laughing would not help my case.
           Grace was trying her hardest to ignore me, but I noticed her glancing over my way every few seconds. She seemed convinced that I was out to get her, for whatever reason. It was almost as if she was afraid of me. In her defense, I guess, I used to be the biggest player this school’s ever seen, and I was quite proud of that. It’s called being a legend in guy terms. But I was changing now, and it was all for her. I had to get her to see what I was willing to do to get her to believe me. I knew getting her to at least give me a chance was going to be tough, but I knew I felt enough for her that I would do whatever it takes to make her my girl.
Even if that meant changing who I’ve been the past few years, because I was willing to sacrifice that, and probably more, for her.
           Grace sighed, looking me straight in the eye.
           “What are you doing here?” she asked me warily.
           “Homework, same as you.”
           “I mean what are you doing sitting by me?”
           “What, am I not allowed to sit and do homework by a pretty girl?” I asked innocently. She blushed slightly, then her eyes turned hard again.
           “Whatever.” Grace looked back down at the paper in front of her. I looked over her shoulder to see what she was working on. It looked like Algebra 2 Trig. She looked like she was having trouble. That was the only class I aced without having to try too hard. Math just came easily to me.
           “What are you working on?” I asked her patiently. “Algebra 2 Trig?”
           “Unfortunately,” she mumbled so quietly and coldly I could barely make out her words.
           “Do you want me to help you?” My voice was hopeful.
           She whipped her head up so fast I was surprised it didn’t snap right off her neck. Her dark green eyes were full of amusement.
           “Don’t give me that look” I joked. “I may look stupid, but I’m actually really good at math.”
           She half-laughed. “Yeah, more like good at trying to get in my pants.”
           I was taken aback. “You really think that’s why I’m talking to you?”
           She nodded.”It’s obvious. What else would a senior like you want from a freshman like me?”
           “Well, I know what a freshman like you would want from a senior like me.”
           “Oh yeah? What’s that?” she said, sounding slightly interested in what I might say next. I couldn’t help it. I started to feel hopeful that maybe getting her wouldn’t be so hard after all.
           “Help with their math homework.” I smirked at her.

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