Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

Austin’s POV

“Congratulations to you, congratulations to you, congratulations to Austin, congratulations to you!”

“Thanks, guys!” I smiled at my family after they finished their rendition of the happy birthday song.

“Oh, I’m just so happy for you!” My mother gushed, swiping a hand beneath her eye to catch her tears. “My little baby’s growing up!”

“Mom,” I groaned. “I though we agreed, no crying.” I smiled at my mom to let her know that I was just teasing her.

“Congratulations, Austin,” my dad said with a slight nod. He was trying to hide it, but I could see his eyes glossing over with unshed tears.

“You guys, come on,” I said, throwing them a playful smile. “If we can’t hold back the waterworks, I might just not tell you guys next time.”

“I’m not crying,” Anna pointed out.

“Well, then thank you, baby sis,” I told her with a smirk, knowing that she hated it when I called her that.

“Austin,” Anna groaned, right on cue. “I am not a baby!”

“You are to me, little girl,” I teased. She stuck her tongue out at me, and I returned her childish gesture with an even bigger smirk.

I watched Anna walk over to Mom and pull her down to her level. Anna whispered something in her ear and Mom nodded.

“I’m going to take Anna to the restroom,” Mom said, walking Anna towards the door. “We’ll be right back. Don’t go anywhere!”

“There’s nowhere to go,” my dad said, but Mom had already closed the door. I laughed. We then lapsed into a silence that was neither awkward nor comfortable. Finally, Dad spoke. “So, which place are you thinking of going?”

“Well,” I paused, thinking. I already knew which college I would be attending. It was a no-brainer. But I didn’t want to give my parents the impression that I was being impulsive. If there was one thing my parents were up-tight about, it was that I always made well, though-out decisions. “Probably the closer one.”

“Ah, I see,” my father said, using a voice that made me get an odd feeling like he could read my mind. “Could a girl have anything to do with this?”

Maybe kinda absolutely.

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