Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

Grace’s POV

“Bye, Mom!” I called out as I grabbed my backpack. “Love you!”

“Love you, too, sweetie,” Mom answered, peeking per head around the door way to give me a smile. “See you later.”

I walked out the front door and headed in the direction of the school. I was feeling much better, which I was very thankful for. Being sick sucks.

I was early today, which was unusual for me, so I took my time walking to school. I was so early, in fact, that no matter how slow I walked to school I still had a ton of time before homeroom. Well, if you call five minutes a ‘ton’ of time, which I do.

Another reason why I hated be sick was that it gave you a lot of spare time. And I mean a lot. So much time that you run out of things to do. So you think. Personally, I couldn’t stop myself from thinking about things that I didn’t really want to be thinking about.

Namely, Austin.

He’s been back at school for almost two weeks now, and we haven’t said one word to each other. I couldn’t help but be just a smidge disappointed. Okay, so maybe it was more than a smidge. But I had a right to be disappointed! Everything ended so suddenly, I guess I’d just assumed that he would have wanted to talk.

I certainly wanted to talk to him. If I was going to get over him, I needed closure which meant talking it out with Austin. Then again, I had already moved past the stage of ‘getting over’ and was back to the ‘wanting him back’ stage. And honestly, I was okay with that.

It’s like everything with the accident and Austin’s injuries showed me how much I actually do need him. It’s definitely surpassed a simple want now. I needed to be back with him.

As true as that may be, though, it was most definitely not going to be me to make the first move. I mean, what if he had moved on? Can you say embarrassing?

Emma kept telling me that he absolutely wasn’t over me, but she’s my best friend. She has to say that, it’s in her job description. It’s right there in the rule book: best friends are allowed to tell white lies in order to make you feel better.

Okay, so maybe I had made that up. But still. That didn’t change the fact that Austin hasn’t tried to talk to me.

“Hey, Grace,” a voice came from behind me. I turned to see Emma walking towards me with her books in her arms.

“Hey, Em,” I said, trying to be cheerful but not sure I quite managed it. Even if I had let my act slip, Emma either didn’t notice or did notice and just wasn’t saying anyting. Either way, I was grateful.

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