Chapter 28

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Austin’s POV

I was finally down to the end. I only had a few short days before I got to go home. My three months here were almost done, and my senior year was coming to a close as well. I had graduated and was going to college in the fall. I could pretty much walk on my own now, but they gave me these crutch-like things that strapped to my arms in case I got tired. They had advised me not to overwork myself. But I was better. It seemed that things were finally falling into place.

Once I got out of here, I had just one thing left to do. And that was get Grace back.

There was a sudden knock on the door, pulling me out of my thoughts.

“Come in,” I called out. Noland walked through the door, closing it behind him. “Hey, man. What’s up?”

“Oh, nothing, just the usual,” Noland said, shrugging. “So, I understand you’re leaving in a couple of days.”

“Three to be exact,” I answered, smiling hugely. “And I can walk now. See?” I walked carefully over to where Noland said to prove my point.

“I’m impressed,” Noland said, nodding. “And also really happy that my best friend is going to walk again.”

“Yeah, me too,” I replied, still smiling. It probably had something to do with the fact that I was still thinking about Grace and how I would get her back. It needed to be something really special, I just couldn’t come up with anything.

“Someone’s excited,” Noland chuckled as he watched me bouncing up and down like a little kid.

“Sorry,” I said, laughing. “It’s just not being able to walk for three months really builds up a lot of energy. Plus, I’m leaving in three days which means I get to see you-know-who.”

Noland seemed to stiffen, but I ignored it, figuring I had just made that up. “Are you, uh, are you nervous?”

“Extremely,” I admitted. Because I was. I was terrified that she wouldn’t take me back, but even more scared that she wouldn’t even listen to what I had to say.

“Don’t be,” Noland said. “I’m sure she’ll be happy to hear you’re okay.”

“I hope so,” I mumbled. “I don’t want to sound like some insecure prick, but you don’t think she’s moved on, do you?”

Noland laughed shakily. “What? No, of course not. Definitely not.” He averted his eyes and scratched the back of his neck nervously, but I didn’t let myself look to much into it. I was determined not to let anything get in the way of my incredible mood.

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