Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Grace’s POV

I think I was sleeping. I may have been awake, too. All I knew was that I was in my bed, watching the seconds tick by on my clock.

That’s what I had done all night, just sat there watching the clock with tears rolling down my face. I don’t think I had fallen asleep at any point, but I didn’t exactly feel awake either.

Tick, tock, tick, tock, one, two, three, four...

Shit! It was already 6:30!

I jumped out of bed, ignoring the head rush it gave me. I needed to be at school in less than a half hour, and my eyes were puffy and my cheeks were tear-stained.

I ignored the sting behind my eyes, more tears threatening to spill over at any second. I tried to distract myself by blasting some music, and it worked to some degree.

I slipped on the first pair of jeans I found and my favorite, worn sweatshirt. My hair was fine the way it was, hanging loosely around my face. I put on a bit of eye makeup, trying to distract from the tell-tale ‘I’ve been crying all night’ signs.

Finally semi-satisfied with how I looked, I slung my backpack over my shoulder and crept out the front door.

My legs were sore from the two-almost-three-mile run from Austin’s house to mine last night, but I ignored it and ran as fast as I could to school. I checked the time on my phone when I got to the parking lot and saw that I still had a good three or four minutes.

I slowed my pace a bit, but still kept up a jog across the parking lot.

I used one of my hands to hold my hair out of my face, as the wind kept blowing it into my eyes. I was almost to the door when someone grabbed my arm and roughly pulled me backwards.

“Grace,” A familiar voice breathed from behind me. I knew that voice. I whipped around, unleashing my arm from his grip in the process.

“Austin,” I said, trying to conceal my frustration. “What are you doing? I need to get to class.”

I turned to go again, but did I really think he’d let me go that easily? He spun me back around to face him, this time placing his hands on my shoulders, holding me down.

He studied my face without saying a word, and I was starting to get uncomfortable with his scruntiny.

“I’m sorry,” he whispered. I was taken aback, he seemed so serious. His blue eyes were full of remorse and sadness. “What happened when you got home?”

With those six words, the anger from last night returned, lighting up my eyes. Tears of rage filled my eyes, threatening to spill over at any second. Austin must have misinterpreted my reaction, because he pulled me into him, tucking my head under his chin.

“Shh,” he cooed softly. “Don’t cry, G. It’s okay.”

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