Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Grace’s POV

“Alright, put the can down and no one gets hurt,” I said, trying my hardest to conceal my smile. I held out in front of me the wooden spoon I had chosen as my weapon. I took a few more steps backwards as Dylan challenged me with a devilish smirk.

“Let’s make a deal, shall we?” Dylan rose his eyebrows at me. “On the count of three, we both drop the weapons.”

Dylan held out his weapon--a silver can full of whipped cream--so that it was level with my head. He was creeping forwards, advancing on me, so I took a few more hurried steps back, cursing silently when my back hit countertop.

It was another night at the cafe, and there had been a few customers in throughout my shift, but none had stayed too long. It may have had something to do with Dylan’s rambunctious behavior that was evidently contagious. Hence the kitchen item battle we were currently engrossed in.

“Deal,” I agreed, somewhat reluctantly. These ‘on the count of three’ things never did seem to work out all too well, but I was willing to give it a shot.

“One,” Dylan said, still smirking and still holding out his whipped cream can as a warning to stick to the plan.

“Two,” I leered, letting my smile seep into my features. I wasn’t even sure how we had started this battle, all I knew was that Dylan had me cornered and he was armed.

“Three!” On Dylan’s cue, I unleashed my grip on the spoon and it clattered to the ground. I shrieked when I realized there must have been some confusion in the making of our deal. Dylan held down the tip of the silver can, whipped cream spraying right at my face.

“Dylan!” I squealed as I felt whipped cream being shot in my hair. “What happened to the deal!”

“Whoops,” Dylan said innocently. I opened my eyes to find him standing with his eyes wide, like he had no idea what had just happened. But I knew him better than that. Also, he wasn’t the only one with acting skills here.

“It’s okay,” I told him, offering an easy smile. “I understand, it was an accident. No hard feelings.”

“Really?” Dylan asked, looking surprised. I guessed he really thought I had bought his cover-up that it was just an accident.

“Mhm,” I said, nodding innocently. While I was sure his eyes were locked on my face, I reached behind me and, in one swift motion, pulled out a second can of whipped cream that I was sure Dylan didn’t know about. I squirted it all over his face, while he just squirmed under my attack, taken off-guard.

“Take that!” I said smiling triumphantly. When I felt he had suffered suffice payback, I set the can back on the counter and smiled sweetly at him. “Whoops,” I said, repeating his words from earlier.

“Oh yeah, Miss Take That?” Dylan asked, his smirk returning. He set down his can besides mine and opened his arms for hug. “Come on, bring it in. You know you want to,” he said, waggling his eyebrows at me.

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