Chapter 5

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***okay, first of all I am so sorry i haven't uploaded in forever! but still, i hope you like this chapter! comment and vote:)***

Chapter Five

Grace’s POV

I checked my clock. Crap! I was going to be late if I didn’t get ready faster. I was supposed to meet Austin at the library in fifteen minutes and it took at least five to get there. On top of that, I wasn’t dressed yet and my makeup still wasn’t done.

He had offered incessantly to come and pick me up, but I had refused. I wasn’t ready to introduce him to my parents. It wasn’t that I was embarrassed by him, or ashamed of him, or anything like that. It was just that I had just come to terms with the fact that he actually may really like me(thanks to Emma), and I wasn’t ready for the stress of my parents knowing about a potential boyfriend yet. They’d go crazy over-protective, and I didn’t need that.

I had made a secret promise to myself to just let go for once and give Austin a chance. I had told myself I deserved it, and I know that I did. I deserved some fun, after all those years of depriving myself of a social life, didn’t I? I had always put school first, and while my education was very important, I was determined to find a balance I could live with.

Finally, I was ready and out the door. I called out to my parents that I was going to the library, and that I’d be back later. I’d never lied to them before, so this was a first. I guess I technically wasn’t lying. I was going to the library. They just didn’t know I’d be going with Austin.

As I walked down the snowy streets, my cell vibrated. I looked down at the tiny screen and saw I had a text message from Emma.

‘Hey girl, have fun tonite! u deserve it and u no it! call me as soon as u get home w/ all the details! love u, and don’t forget to have fun!’ was what it said. I smiled as I tucked the phone back into my pocket. Emma and I were closer than ever, and I was really grateful to have her around again.

I rounded the corner to the library, and saw Austin on the front steps, looking actually kind of frustrated.

“Hey,” I said, as I walked up behind him. He turned around and his face immediately brightened. I smiled.

“Hey Grace. I’d say let’s go in, but they’re closed.” The frustrated look returned.

“Oh.” I said. I was disappointed, I’ll admit it. “Well, some other time, I guess.”

“No, we shouldn’t cancel just because they’re closed. Why don’t you come to mine? My parents are out, so it’ll just be the two of us. Don’t worry I won’t try to ‘get in your pants’ as you so eloquently put it.” Austin teased me, so I stuck my tongue out at him. He just laughed.

I thought about going to his house. I bit my lip as I thought about what I should do. I knew he wouldn’t try anything, I just had a feeling in my gut that said I could trust him. It was my parents that stopped me. I had told them I’d be at the library. If they somehow found out...

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