Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Grace’s POV

“Okay, class. I hope you came prepared. Here are your exams, you have until the end of the period. Good luck.” The teacher returned to her seat, and I stared blankly at the sheets of paper in front of me. I groaned internally. I was having a total blank out.

I knew I studied all the material, but right now the words on the page looked foreign. With a sigh, I picked up my pencil and tried my very hardest to concentrate. I normally wasn’t like this. Usually, I was the first one done, and I always aced every test with flying colors.

But not today. I couldn’t focus on the questions I was being asked. My mind kept wandering back to the days before, in particular the time I had spent with Austin. I couldn’t shake the feeling of his soft lips on mine, his warm hands at my waist. I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to clear my head. It didn’t work. My head was still swamped with thoughts about Austin, but I was running out of time. I needed to get to work, or else I wouldn’t finish.

I tried to ignore the teacher as she called out a time countdown every five minutes. It was distracted me even further.

The bell rang, and I hesitantly turned in my exam. I knew I didn’t do nearly as well as I should have, considering all the time I had spent studying.

I hung my head as I walked out of the classroom. Two strong arms shot out of nowhere, and grabbed me around the waist, pulling me into a familiar embrace. Austin. I melted into him instinctively, getting caught up in the stress of last period.

“Hey, sweetheart. How’d it go?” Austin took my face in his hands, looking right into my eyes. I couldn’t help but smile, but it fell quickly when I remembered the reason I was so off today.

“Uh, it was fine,” I said uneasily. He gave me a strange look. In the short time we’d known each other, he knew me too well to believe my not so smooth lie.

“Are you okay? Are you getting sick? You don’t sound like yourself,” Austin frowned, moving one hand up to feel my forehead. “You don’t feel hot.”

“No, I’m fine, just stressed about the tests, that’s all.” My lie came a lot easier this time as I swatted his hands from my forehead. Austin’s arms dropped down to my waist again and he pulled me closer.

“Well, if it helps any, I promised I would take you on a real date after midterms are over. Don’t think I forgot about my promise,” He whispered in my ear.

I let out an awkward laugh. “Thanks, Austin,” I said lamely. “Um, I’d better go, or I’ll be late.”

“Okay, sweetheart. I’ll see you soon, Gracie,” Austin kissed me softly on the cheek before I walked off to my next class, feeling strange. At least he seemed to understand my mood and wasn’t asking too many questions.

I was only there in body for the rest of the day, and I didn’t remember what I did five minutes ago. Before I knew it, I was standing behind the counter at The Coffee Shop. I faintly heard the door chime as someone walked in. Whoever it was walked up to the counter quickly.

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