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Grace’s POV

“Are you sure we have to do this now?” I asked for the millionth time, hoping he would finally say no and save me the trouble of asking again.

“Yes,” Austin answered, turning slightly to look at me with an amused smile when we came to a stop at a traffic light. I groaned. I knew he would say that, but it was still worth a shot.

I sighed. I definitely was not looking forward to this. We were on our way to my house, where we were planned to have dinner with my parents and sisters. Joy.

I had talked it over with my parents, a lot, and after a lot of convincing they decided to give Austin another chance. They finally agreed that maybe they had been a bit harsh on him before. Their only condition was that, one, he come for dinner to meet my family formally, two, he had to have me back by my curfew of eleven o’clock, and three, I had to keep my grades up and still hang out with my other friends.

Honestly, none of their conditions were unbearable. I was actually expecting much worse. I was just relieved they were giving us a fresh start in the first place.

Because that’s what this was: a fresh start. My parents and I had agreed to forget everything that had happened with Austin in the past, and tonight when we arrived at my house they were going to pretend they had never met him before.

Of course, I know our past incidents would always be in the back of both my parents’ heads, but I was glad they were trying. Secretly, I think they felt bad about being so harsh before and were trying to make up for it.

“Hey,” Austin said softly, bringing me out of my thoughts. He reached over and took my hand, resting our intertwined fingers on his knee. “Don’t look so nervous.” Austin’s voice was a bit tight and his posture slightly tensed. I don’t think I was the one he should be worrying about.

“Tell yourself that,” I said jokingly, lightly squeezing his fingers.

“I don’t need to. I’m not nervous at all,” he lied.

“Liar,” I accused, sticking my tongue out at him even though his eyes were locked on the road.

“Am not,” Austin protested, though I noticed how his voice wavered slightly.

“Don’t be nervous, ‘kay?” I said softly. He looked over at me for a quick second and I smiled.

Austin sighed. “It’s just, I have a lot to make up for.”

“Hey, don’t be like that,” I told him reassuringly. “I told you, fresh start.”

“I know,” he said. “But still.”

“But still,” I said, doing a bad imitation of his voice. He laughed, and I smiled, glad he relaxed at least a little bit.

“You’re a dork,” Austin teased, poking my shoulder with our interlaced hands.

“Yeah, but I’m your dork,” I said lightly as we pulled to a stop in front of my house. Austin looked over at me and I held his gaze, watching as his eyes searched my face. “I love you, Austin.”

“I love you, too, G,” Austin said seriously. His eyes burned with an intensity I had grown accustomed to in the few days that we’d been back together. And honestly, they’d been the best days I’d had in a while. He was simply perfect, and I couldn’t understand why I didn’t see that before.

He leaned over slowly, taking my face in his hands. He tilted my chin up so that my lips met his, and kissed me. I placed my hands over his on either side of my face and kissed him back.

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