Chapter 3: Burgers

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Frank stared at his bedroom ceiling, late morning sunlight cutting across the rough white surface, with a broad smile.  Last night had been the best time he had experienced a long damn time.  They had watched a lousy preseason game while yelling and screaming at players and coaches alike.  Dinner had been good though Frank had overcooked the steak, it was a little dry.  If he had been served it in a restaurant he would have sent it back but Dean had no complaints.

Dean.  A loud sigh of contentment filled the room.  Frank no longer cared about Dean's orientation, only for the beautiful man to remain in his life.  With the promise of Dean being available for dinner, watching sports, or maybe seeing a movie, he could go on.  Happily. 

Dean was smart, witty, charming and classy as hell.  God, you did a good job on this one.  If only he were gay too, then he would be perfect.  Thinking of the classy lady who attended The Club at Dean's side he tried to feel jealous, he honestly tried.  But he couldn't.  It wasn't as if he deserved to be with someone like Dean.  Besides, if the classy lady was what Dean wanted and it made his friend happy, then it was fine.  Well, maybe not fine, but Frank would learn to live with it.

He must remember to focus beyond those entrancing green eyes at dinner tonight in order to ask about the classy lady.  His grin broadened.  Dinner.  Tonight.  He had plans not involving icepacks.

The day passed tortuously slow.  Frank tried to distract himself by cleaning his condo.  It only took half the day.  It used to take longer but Frank supposed he was a little distracted by thoughts of dinner.

Now what?  Aggravated he still had a couple of hours to kill he decided to go ahead and dress for his date.  Date-date?  No, he decided, friend-date.  But at this point a friend-date was still a serious step up from where he had been two nights ago.  The thought of Kelly the rat-bastard caused his forearms to erupt in goose-flesh.  Frank paused in dressing to rub down his skin as he tried to ignore the chill seeping into his bones.

Dean.  He needed to focus on Dean.  By holding an image of the sweet smile in his mind Frank managed to warm himself.  When he opened his eyes again he felt relaxed and on the verge of another almost foreign emotion: happy.  Quickly he pulled on some casual slacks which were not too tight and a light blue short-sleeved shirt to bring out the blue in his eyes.  He had always considered his eyes one of his best features.  It might sound conceited but Frank had not met anyone with blue eyes quite as striking as his own.  Of course no one could see them past this mop of dark hair.

With a glance at the clock Frank decided he should have time to find if there were any hair salons open.  At least the search would keep him busy until it was time to meet Dean for burgers.

Purpose in mind, his mission planned, Frank left his place with a lighter feeling than he had felt in months.  Fairly flying down the stairs he beat Slow Elevator to the ground floor and pumped a fist in triumph.  For the first time since...  For the first time in a long time Frank did not anticipate the world ending before he returned home.  It was a good feeling.


Pausing outside the burger joint Frank checked his reflection in the front window.  He certainly looked better after a haircut.  He had asked for a Cary Grant hairstyle but the girl with the scissors had given him a blank look before asking if Cary Grant was a new music group.  Frank had been forced to give her explicit instructions.  She was the one who talked him out of gelling his hair up in a wave on one side.  Though he hated to admit it, she was right.  It looked better in natural bangs which hung down to his eyebrows and he could casually sweep aside.  The rest had been shorn off.  He actually looked like a respectable human being.  Would wonders never cease?

In Loving Memory, Frank WarrenWhere stories live. Discover now