Chapter 6: The Pest

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"Morning, Frank." The Pest in the office next door poked his head in Frank's office. Like clockwork the guy said good morning every damn morning at nine-oh-five. It was almost like The Pest was keeping tabs on him.

"Morning." Frank smiled and waved, eager to start his day so it would end quicker.

The Pest paused in his doorway, perplexed. "You're in a good mood. Want to go grab a coffee? My treat."

Crap. He did not date coworkers. Wait a minute, since when was The Pest gay? Wasn't he married? It seemed like it. Yeah, married. To a woman.

"Why?" Frank asked suspiciously. Once again the idea of The Pest surveilling him rose to mind.

"Aw, come on, Frank." The Pest huffed and sighed as if his feelings were hurt. "We haven't sat down to talk in months. I miss my Frank-time, okay? I admit it."

The Pest stepped out into the hallway and cupped his hands around his mouth. "I miss my Frank-time!"

Their supervisor, Bill, walked by in the middle of the shout. He paused to glare at both of them. "Then go out for coffee. God, you two can be so dramatic." With a shake of his head over being bothered by trivialities, Bill headed for his corner office.

"You heard the boss." The Pest grinned in triumph. "Let's go." He waved Frank out of the office.

With the distinct impression if he did not go he would be hounded not merely for the rest of the day, but probably for the rest of the month, Frank reluctantly left the security of his office. The Pest practically bounced along beside him to the elevator.

"Stupid elevators," Frank grumbled under his breath when the doors did not open immediately.

"It'll be here soon, buddy," The Pest replied with a chuckle. "So what's his name?"

Frank cut his eyes to the side, reminding himself to be on guard. The Pest could also be The Snitch. After all The Pest seemed to be in good with The Boss. Probably more to it than being a good accountant.

"Whose name?" he asked, trying not to give anything away.

The Pest sighed heavily, shaking his head. "Still? What'd I do this time? I swear I didn't mean it, whatever it was. Now will you tell me what his name is? All I asked for was a name."

A bing announced the arrival of the elevator, second cousin to his building's Slow Elevator. With agonizing slowness the doors slid open and The Pest ushered him inside.

"You always tell me about the newest guy in your life," The Pest railed at him the instant the doors closed. Since it was after nine the elevator cars headed down were usually empty. "Since when have you not told me? Huh? And speaking of, you haven't been over for dinner in five months. The kids keep asking when Uncle Frank is going to visit." An elbow poked him in his side. "Well? Uncle Frank?"

Frank winced, wondering why the name 'uncle' caused his stomach to twist. Severe nausea swept over him and the cup of coffee he had for breakfast threatened to come back up.

"Whoa, Frank!" A pair of arms held him up against the elevator wall. When he forced his eyes open against the nausea a familiar face floated in front of him. Worried pale blue eyes were set in a next-door-boy-handsome face topped with short cropped sandy hair. Even the worry in his voice was familiar. "What happened? Are you sick? Are you gonna be sick?"

John. It was John. What happened to The Pest?

"Where'd he go?" Frank demanded, peering around the empty elevator car. "Where's The Pest?"

In Loving Memory, Frank WarrenWhere stories live. Discover now