Chapter 27: Jerks at the Gym

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For the entire day Frank was distracted, his work secondary, as he pondered Missus Williams' situation. Why did his parents have to go on some stupid tour overseas? If they had stayed home they would still be here and Mom could always cheer up Missus Williams like no one else. They were closer than sisters.

Which brought up another nasty little point, Frank realized as the clock counted down to quitting time. When had his parents left? Because they had been gone an awfully long time for a vacation. Staring across his office he tried giving the remaining wall in his mind a nudge, just a little one. It moved, easier than ever, and his answer popped out. Mom and Dad left June of last year.

Last year. Goosebumps erupted down his arms and a lump rose in his throat. Not one phone call in over a year and he had thought nothing of it. He had not tried tracking them down, had not called the travel agency or any of the hotels booked for their tour. He had not done a damn thing.


Following the familiar voice, Frank rose from introspection to discover John shaking him by the shoulders.

"There you are," John breathed, a feeble smile on his lips as his hands flexed on Frank's shoulders. "What's wrong? You were seriously in la-la-Land."

"I'm not sure," Frank replied slowly, a conviction growing about John being right, he did know what was wrong. Only he chose not to know because it involved his parents. Oh dear God, what did You let happen to them?

"But I guess I should warn Dean I'm going to pester his mother until she agrees to come to Thanksgiving. It's only fair."

"You don't have to," John assured him, worry shining in his pale blue eyes. "It's all right."

"No it's not," Frank snapped, ire rising over how out of touch he had been with the important people during the first half of the year. He used to look after people like the Williams, all of them. No wonder John kept saying it had been a hard year. Most of the hardness had been due to Frank's inattention.

Rising to his feet he felt John's hands fall away as he tried to take charge of himself. Frank squared his shoulders as he struggled to impress the importance of this on his best friend. "If there's something wrong with your mother, you'd damn well better tell me. I don't take parents for granted regardless if they're mine, yours or Dean's. Am I clear?"

A goofy half-grin lifted on the right side of John's mouth. "I am so glad you're back."

"Answer the damn question," Frank insisted. This conversation was long overdue. No one, especially John, should hide things this serious from him.

"You're clear," John replied, a full blown grin erupting. "Crystal clear. After you talk to Dean's mom we can start our evil plotting."

"You're on," Frank assured him. "Am I running late yet?"

"Not bad." John checked his watch. "Ten minutes but you're still dressed for work. Want me to call Dean for you while you change?"

"If you want. If he doesn't answer it's because he's already there." Frank tugged his gym bag out from under his desk.

"Meet you by the elevators?" John offered. "I'll ride down with you."


Frank hurried to the men's room to change, leaving John in his office. Wearing his gym clothes, Frank headed for the elevator bank on this floor. John waited by the doors. As Frank approached John pressed the call button.

"You hitting the gym," John chuckled, shaking his head. "Man, it kind of makes me want to tag along to watch."

"Any time," Frank offered.

In Loving Memory, Frank WarrenWhere stories live. Discover now