Chapter 31: Master Plans

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Frank suspected Dean felt stressed over his mom falling though he claimed to be fine. When Dean called around four to say he had finished early and would be at the gym, his suspicions were confirmed.

Picking Pat's number from his phone, Frank placed the call as he wondered what Pat's work schedule was this week.

"Hey, Frank. What's up? Planning another Guy Night?"

"Actually I was wondering if you're going to the gym today." He fiddled with his computer keyboard.

"Why? Did something happen?" Alarm rang through his words.

Frank loved Pat. As of this moment Pat became one of his favorite people.

"Dean left work early for the gym. His mom fell yesterday and was a real pain in the ass about letting the hospital do x-rays. She has a couple of cracked ribs and an appointment with a bone specialist next week."

"Shit. Heavy bag time." Pat sighed through the phone. "I've only been home half an hour. Guess I won't blow off the gym tonight after all. How long before I can expect you?"

"John and I will be there by six," Frank promised.

"Good. I'll hold down the fort until then. Don't be late." Pat ended the call.

What a great guy.


John's workout clothes looked exactly the same as his weekend clothes. Faded denim shorts, loose t-shirt proclaiming an AL baseball team's pennant win, and huge scuffed sneakers. Frank wore his workout uniform, a pair of loose black athletic shorts, a plain white t-shirt, and his sneakers. It was amusing to leave work together dressed for the gym.

"Don't they have a locker room?" John asked once they were inside the elevator.

"Yeah, but I like arriving ready to workout," Frank explained. "Dean is usually there before me."

"Story of your life, big guy." John chuckled at his expense. "Weren't you born late, too?"

"I'm going with 'yes' so you'll shut up about it." Frank readjusted how he held his suit on its hanger over his left shoulder. The way the hanger cut across his fingers made them go numb.

Amid another round of chuckles from John he heard his mother's voice, as clear as if she stood next to him.

"Frank is always late. The poor boy was born two weeks late and never bothered to catch up."

His eyes stung and the increasingly familiar lump rose in his throat, endangering his ability to breathe.

A sharp pain exploded across his left cheek forcing his eyes to focus. John's worried face hovered in front of him. "Frank? What happened?"

John's right hand lifted into the air with clear intent.

"What the hell did you slap me for?" Shaking off the hand holding him by the shoulder, Frank blinked at their surroundings. They were still in the elevator but it had stopped on the ground floor, the doors open and waiting for them to exit. That was quick. Since when did slow elevators move this fast?

"Come on." Gruffly John yanked him out into the building lobby. Once they stood clear of the elevator John glared at him. "What the hell happened?"

"My mom..." He paused when his voice failed him. John's worry masquerading as anger drained. Sympathy filled his best friend's eyes. Clearing his throat, Frank tried again. "Mom always said I was born two weeks late and never bothered to catch up."

Frowning, several other phrases sprang to mind. "She was the one who had the saying about jealous people too, right? They're either insecure or..."

In Loving Memory, Frank WarrenWhere stories live. Discover now