Chapter 22: Weekend Celebration

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Patting the pocket with his authorization to return to work, Frank headed out into overcast gray skies. Bad airline weather. He grinned. There would be no bad flights today, he had it all planned. Drivers had already been arranged for all the important people traveling tonight.

First he went by work to drop off his authorization and have a copy made. Then he headed to legal to ask around if anyone knew anything about binding community property paperwork or any written agreement as binding and legal as a state-sanctioned marriage.

Before leaving he stopped by John's office because, duh, he wanted to.

"Coffee?" he asked, sticking his head through John's open door.

"There he is!" John jumped up. "Tell me you're coming back to work."

"Monday," Frank promised, enjoying the grin emanating from his best friend. "So? Coffee? I'm buying, it's my turn."

"Can't turn down free coffee." John rushed around the desk then stopped short, about two feet from Frank. "Go ahead, right behind you."

"Oh, you have to be kidding." Frank spread his arms wide. "Without my hug?"

"Somebody's feeling better." Bill's voice carried from the hall.

"His timing is amazing," Frank noticed, his attention only diverted for a split second to watch Bill pass by. Which was long enough for John to jump in front of him with a beaming grin. This was how his Life was supposed to be, Frank thought as he grabbed his buddy in a friendly hug.

Hey, God? Next time I forget somebody this important, could you send a gentler wake-up call? Or just don't let it happen again. Please don't let me do anything horrible to John again.

"Come on, big guy." John released him to shove him out into the hallway. "You're buying."

"Of course I'm buying." The building elevator still make him uneasy. To be honest the whole elevator thing had grown steadily worse over the past few weeks. It was probably something he should bring up with Miss Taylor but she was stuck on the rat-bastard. He had been trying like crazy to work around it with no luck. She wanted his answer to: why? He did not have one.

"Would I invite you and then not buy?" Frank demanded once they were inside the elevator car.

"Wouldn't be the first time," John quipped.

True but unfair. "I didn't forget my wallet on purpose."

"Uh-huh. Still sticking to same tired old story, huh?" From the subtle quirk of those thin lips Frank knew he was being teased and John barely suppressed an unmanly giggle.

"Yeah, okay, fine." Frank shook his imitation of John's 'father finger' at his buddy. "And the next time you need help on double entries don't bother coming to me."

Swooning against the back of the elevator, John slumped with the back of his hand pressed against his forehead. Fanning himself with his other hand he begged, "Oh, no! Not... Not... 'the finger'."

"You deserve the other finger for that," Frank accused.

"Oh, speaking of, I do need some help on double entries." John stood upright as the elevator door opened. He held it for Frank. "I was hoping Monday, before Bill starts throwing work at you?"

"Sure, whatever you need," Frank assured him, relieved to be out of the elevator in one piece.

"Did you call Dean after your appointment?" John asked, walking beside him.

Frank shot his buddy a quizzical glance.

"You know. Dean. The guy you live with. The guy you want to marry illegally. That Dean."

In Loving Memory, Frank WarrenWhere stories live. Discover now