Chapter 2

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Thanks for reading everyone! Make sure to follow me on instagram @tiedtogether13!

Chapter 2:

I pose for numerous pictures with fans, before I feel Trisha starting to pull me away.

"I love y'all so much! Thank you for coming!" I wave to the back of the crowd of fans and walk behind Trisha to the long line of interviewers, waiting to get a glimpse of my personal life. My stomach churns with nervousness, what if they ask about Harry? I doubt they will. Trisha usually tells them not to ask me about that stuff. I have one more interview until walking the red carpet for pictures. In all the interviews, they ask me the same things. How's tour, my new perfume, and my dating life. I'm single ok?! And I admit, I hate it. I hate the thought of being alone. They all seem like they want to ask me something else, but Trisha gives them the warning look not to. It's probably about Harry anyways. I feel like a zombie, walking lifelessly and doing the same things.

I walk right up to E! News' booth with a smile plastered on my face. Come on Taylor stop thinking about him.

I answer the simple questions from the slim bottle blonde interviewer, I think her name was Ellie, but I'm not 100% paying attention. My brain is frazzled, and I can't seem to get-

"Harry Styles" I hear her say, interrupting my thoughts. Wait did I hear her correctly?

"What did you say?" I ask, trying to sound as composed as I can, which is not at all what I'm feeling inside.

"I said, Harry Styles will be appearing with his band members of One Direction tonight. How does that make you feel?" She repeats the question, and I'm still shocked that she even asked that question, the million dollar question that I can't even seem to answer to myself. It makes me feel nervous, confused, angry, but excited to see him but because of all the wrong reasons. He's more than confusing. I hesitate. I don't want to answer this. The press will bombard me with hate, and so will his fans. I've had enough all ready.

I know she can tell I'm hurt and nervous. I finally answer with the most professional answer I can muster.

"He's very talented, and I'm happy for him and all of One Direction. They've had a lot of success." I say, with a broken smile at the end of my answer. Nobody can tell the difference. Nobody can tell if my smile is fake. I've been faking the same smile since January 5th at 6:57pm. Yeah. That's when I left our trip together, heartbroken and confused. We haven't even made contact since. He was the last one who I thought cared about me. Now nobody even cares about me. Except my mom and my cat. I snap back into reality once again when I hear her ask me a question that confuses me even more.

"You've heard about Liam Payne from the band right?" What? Liam Payne. He's the one with the short hair, he has those arrow tattoos! Oh yeah I remember him! His smile was adorable. I met him at that party that I met Harry at. Oh. But he was really nice to me when I was dating Harry, he's dating Danielle Peazer right?

I love her! She's an incredible dancer. She danced for me at the Billboard's! I was texting her just yesterday about coming on the European tour with me! Wow. Small world. But what about Liam?

"He's really nice! I've met him twice I think. Isn't he the one who's dating Danielle Peazer? She's danced for me before!" I say smiling, this makes me happy. I love Danielle.

The interviewer's smile fades into confusion as I talk. Wait what? What did I do?

"No!" She laughs.

"Liam and Danielle broke up, he's confirmed that he's single! There's actually rumors that Liam's crushing on you!" She continues. WHAT? I almost choke on my own breath. Me? That can't be possible. How? What did he say? I'm even more confused than I was when I got here.

"Wait what? Can somebody explain this to me? I'm so out of it!" I laugh nervously, giving Trisha a confused glance. She's been daydreaming, but snaps back into reality right as I look at her. She immediately walks over and grabs me by my arm, leading me to the next interviewer, along with my 2 body guards.

"Alright that's all we have time for thank you." She says in her stern voice.

"They asked you about him didn't they?" I roll my eyes, knowing who "him" is.

"Yes, but I covered it up well. And what's with this Liam Payne thing?" I ask her, confused. She obviously knows what's going on. I mean she's my publicist for crying out loud! She knows everything the press says about me. Whether she tells me or not what they say, is a different story. She automatically looks uncomfortable. She's hiding something from me!

"What are you hiding from me?" I ask, nervous of her answer.

"Nothing. I'm suing E for even asking you anything to do with One Direction. I told them not to. Just go." She shoos me off ahead of her, as she speaks into her Bluetooth, furious. I'm lead by one if the coordinators of the red carpet with my body guards to the beginning of the red carpet. I stand in front of the white billboard, and automatically, I'm bombarded with flashes and screams from Paparazzi. They all want the perfect shot of me. Why me? I'm not that special. Everyone says so.

"TAYLOR LOOK LEFT!" I turn left for some shots.

"MS. SWIFT DOWN HERE TO YOUR RIGHT!" I look down and to the right, these lights are so bright.

"LOOK UP!" I look up to the cameras higher up, flashing them my smile.


I'm still bombarded by screams as I walk farther down the carpet. Every step I take I get even more nervous. Just knowing I'll see Harry, makes butterfly's erupt in my stomach.

I wave quickly to Miley, who's a little in front of me on the carpet, also posing for pictures. She waves back, sticking her tongue out. I laugh a little, and go back to posing.


"HARRY LOOK OVER TO YOUR LEFT A BIT!" I hear a paparazzi scream behind me. My heart literally stops beating in my chest. Oh no. No. No. No. no. Harry can't be walking behind me on the red carpet. This can't happen. I wasn't prepared to see him yet. He can't be behind me.

I glance behind me quickly, and gasp at what I see.

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