Chapter 12

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 Chapter 12

“LIAM!” I scream, running towards the disaster that I obviously started. I gasp, seeing helpless Liam pinned up against the garage wall by angry and drunk Harry, who looks absolutely livid. Niall’s in the middle of it all, trying to separate them. This is bad. Really bad. They’re a band. They aren’t supposed to fight like this. Oh my gosh and it’s all my friking fault. They all turn their heads to me, causing Harry to let go of Liam. 

“Tay I-” Harry starts to say, but I cut him off, glaring at his bewildered face. 

“Liam! Oh my gosh are you ok!?” I say running over to Liam, who’s now on the ground, face bruised. This is horrible. Oh my friking gosh. 

Liam only nods his head slowly, still looking at Harry with a horrified expression that everyone, including me, is holding.

“Shit.” Harry says, pulling on this hair, while pacing back and forth. This is a nervous action of Harry that I have come to know all too well. But why was he beating up Liam in the fist place!? I’m so confused. I didn’t do anything with Liam, and Harry knows I wouldn’t, but he’s drunk, so who knows what’s going through his ignorant brain. The fact that he drank so much confuses me because he already ruined everything the last time he got too drunk. That damn “accident” will haunt my heart and mind forever. It ruined me. But why would he even care if I was with Liam? He hates me. 

“I - I don’t know what to say or what happened but I’m just so...” I trail off, my voice shaking in extreme confusion and sadness and horror, everything feels wrong.

“Why don’t we just go?” Niall says, putting up his hoodie. I nod in agreement. Niall always knew how to lighten the mood and he knew how to explain things well. The little time I actually got to know Niall was nice.

“No! Taylor, just come with me.” Harry pleads, actually demands, grabbing my arm. I jerk away almost instantly, only to see the pain that re-appears in his green eyes. Why the hell is he pained by me!? He doesn’t even like me, and he’s drunk. It’s not the place or time to even be talking to Harry. 

“No, please no.” I say, walking closer to Niall in fear. Honestly, pure fear. I’m scared of what Harry will do, he’s too drunk and it scares me to death. Niall protectively puts his arm around me, like a big brother. I feel safe, and it feels comforting to have someone to lean on .. literally. 

“Get off of her, my god!” Harry almost screams, but he’s shushed by Liam, who is now standing up.

“Are you ok!? This is all my fault, damn it I’m so sorry.” I say, walking over to Liam. Jesus! His bruised face is worse than I ever thought it would be. Wow this is messed up. What do I do? Oh my gosh!? My heart is beating out of my chest. It’s beating so loud I bet they all can hear it. 

“No babe, it’s not your fault. I’m fine. We all know how Harry is when he’s drunk.” He nods, reassuring me. I feel a sting in my heart as his words jab at me. He knows about that “accident” too. It’s not even an accident, it was so much more.  

I lean in and hug Liam tight, hoping he knows how much I care. The fact that he was there for me last night means more to me than he will ever know. 

“GET OFF -” 

“HARRY JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP.” Niall screams, before I run over to Niall, giving Liam a small wave. 

Harry tries yet again to make me stay with him, but thankfully, I’m eventually dragged away by Niall to his car. We walk to the car in silence as billions of thoughts and worries clog up my fucked up brain. 

Why would he want me to stay? He called me a slut. He hurt my feelings. My heart is still broken from the first time we broke up, and he’s broken it multiple times now. Why is he drunk? He’s so messed up. Is it because of me? I don’t even know what to think anymore and it’s driving me insane. 

“You ok?” Niall asks, looking over at me in the passengers seat.

I sigh, absolutely exasperated, as he drinks some water. 

“I’m just so confused. What’s up with Harry? He hates me.” 

I hear a spit noise, and look over to see Niall, wide eyed and he literally just spat out his water.. ok. What?

“What the hell!?” I can’t help but laugh at his surprise, but why was he so surprised?

“You think Harry hates YOU!?” He asks, still astonished for some reason. Um yeah he does.

“He broken my heart like ...” I pause dramatically, pretending to count the times he’s broken my heart.

“Hmmm maybe 3 times in the last 12 hours!?” I say, laughing more at myself I guess for believing I had a chance with Harry. But then Liam just made everything better, and I don’t know why Harry’s all mad. I’m so confused it’s not even funny anymore. 

“Taylor are you kidding me!? He’s craaaaaazzzy about you.” He says, emphasizing the “crazy” 

Lying must be an Irish thing or something cause he’s pretty good at it. 

“I mean if his tantrum wasn’t enough to show you, then you must be blind.” He continues as we drive the streets of LA.

“Niall he was drunk. He can’t ... He can’t control himself when he’s drunk.” I hesitate.

“So? What do you mean?” He asks. He obviously doesn’t understand. The accident. I have to tell him about that horrible night. I have to tell him about it. But how? He’s totally going to think different of Harry if I tell him. But Niall’s a really good friend. He’s always been good at giving advice and he’s easy to talk to. But I don’t know. I should tell him... right?

He sees me hesitating, and his bright blue eyes fill with concern and maybe even.. understanding? 

“Are you ok? Do you want to go to my hotel or something?” He asks.

“Um, we can go to my house if you want. I mean you wouldn’t judge me if I t-told you right?”  I say, shivering at the thought. 

“Course not! Let’s go!” He says, smiling at me. I think I feel safe with Niall, he’s so easy going. I type in my address into his phone, and we’re off, driving to the sound of the radio, and Niall’s quiet humming along with it. 

We reach the gate of my driveway, paparazzi swarming Niall’s black Range Rover. I jump, scared to death as the creepy men bang on the windows. There’s never this many here. They’re going to think we’re dating, I just know it. I can already feel the pain in my heart I will feel later when I read my twitter mentions. 

Niall sigh’s, looking over at me. How are we going to get inside? 

“Here.” I say reaching over him to punch in the code for the gate to open. The gate will automatically shut once in senses our car has already driven passed it. No creeps in my house! 

The gate opens, and the car speeds up the driveway as fast as possible. We park in front of my house quickly.

“Whew!” I say, looking over at Niall, who laughs at my surprised face. He can drive fast, maybe even as fast as he will leave me here once he hears about that night ....  

*Hey everyone!

How are you liking it so far!? Sorry this Chapter was a little slow, but I can't wait for you guys to read Chapter 13! Please don't forget to vote & comment your opinions, theories, etc. 

Who do want Taylor to be with more? Liam or Harry? Comment :)

Don't foget to follow me on Twitter: @tiedtogether_13

and Instagram: @tiedtogether13 

love youuuuu,

Ella * 

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