Chapter 6

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Chapter 6:

Butterfly's erupt in my stomach as Liam hugs me from behind. He's so strong and I honestly miss everything about being held in someone's arms.

"You totally deserve a milkshake." Liam whispers in my ear, making me blush. I look up at Harry who is looking at us like we've grown four heads.

"What?" Liam asks, obviously thinking the same thing as me.

"Nothing." Harry brushes passed us, almost looking hurt. Hurt? Him over me? That's bullswift (I had to 😂)

I turn around to face Liam, our faces dangerously close.

"Maybe I'll let you take me out for a milkshake if you kill your performance." I smirk. I hear Trisha's voice from far away, calling me to hurry up.

"Deal." He smiles absolutely adorably, before I feel Trisha tugging on my arm. He glances over at her.

"'Make sure you watch us!" He says. I nod and smile before Trisha impatiently pulls me away. Sheesh! She's like a little kid! Always having to get her way and she's so impatient.

"Awesome performance as usual Taylor!" Trisha high fives me, we're walking faster than usual back to my dressing room.

"Wait I want to see them per...." I trail off, realizing 3 hours ago, I would've been avoiding seeing One Direction perform, but now, that's all I wanted to do.

"Them? One Direction?" She scoffs, thinking I'm kidding. But I'm not.

"You need to get dressed fast cause they're announcing the winner of the Choice Female artist after they perform." Trisha instructs. Oh yeah. This is an awards show. I wonder if I'll win any.

I walk into my dressing room, and to my surprise I see a giant surfboard propped against the couch that says "Choice Breakup Song: We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together Taylor Swift" I won an award already! Oh my gosh, yay! Wait. Why didn't I go to accept it? Was it-

"You were having your crying fit in the bathroom when they presented that award, so they just announced you won." Trisha answers my thoughts walking into the dressing room. Ouch. My "crying fit" actually had some meaning and emotion to it thanks Trisha.

"Oh cool." I say, mindlessly taking off my clothes, wanting to change fast. I honestly really want to see them perform.

I slip on my dress fast, and put on my heels while Trisha ties the black bow on my dress. I put my hair down, not wanting it in a bun anymore, and I touch up my makeup once again. I rush out of the dressing room before Trisha can stop me.

I spot Ed in front of his dressing room talking to... Harry? Really?

I walk up nervously tapping Ed's shoulder.

"Hey, do you wanna go sit-" I stop in mid sentence, looking over at Harry, who tries to hide is face from me. But I already saw. He was crying. Him, crying? Here? Why? The silence is painful for all three of us, but to our relief, Ed breaks the silence.

"Yeah let's go." Ed says, patting Harry on the back.

"Good luck Haz." He says, and Harry looks up and nods at Ed, trying to smile, but failing. I know when Harry is faking a smile, and this was one if those times. Plus, his eyes are all red and puffy. Seriously though, why? This has been such a confusing night.

Ed takes my hand and guides me away before I can ask my surfacing questions in front of Harry. We walk up the stairs in silence. I'm still utterly confused. Everyone knows something I don't know and I'm missing so many pieces to the puzzle. I can't take it anymore.

"Ed?" I ask, he stops in his tracks. He doesn't have time to answer before I ask.

"What do you know that I don't know?" I don't even have to explain it more. Ed thinks just how I do, and he knows what I mean.

"Nothing. It's all good." Ed tries to dismiss it, but I'm not letting this be ignored.

"No. What's up with this whole Liam thing? The press was saying stuff that I didn't know, and then you knew about the milkshake thing, and Harry's acting so weird and I just don't know." I say, looking down at the white marbled floor.

Ed sighs, turning to fully face me.

"The press was right. They were saying Liam was crushing on you, cause in an interview he said so, and he even tweeted about you. Trisha wasn't telling you, cause she thought you wouldn't want to know. I mean, he's apart of Harry's band and she thought maybe you still have feelings for him or something. Taylor, the boys are some if my best mates, they tell me everything." He answers. Woah.

"Wait so Liam likes me?" I ask, absolutely not believing it.

Ed just shrugs, laughing at me.

"Come on, we're going to miss your boyfriend's performance." I scoff at Ed's comment, referring to Harry. Or wait..... Maybe he was referring to Liam?

Chapter 7:

We walk into the arena, and one of the TCA coordinators leads us to our seats, right next to Selena and my mom, also right in the front row.

"You guys rocked it!" My mom hugs me.

"Awesome job Taylor!" Selena hugs me right after. We could talk some because it was a commercial break.

I sit down between my mom and Selena, Ed sitting next to my mom, and I can't help but nervously fidget with my dress.

"So what happened backstage?" Selena asks, facing me. She knew Harry would be back there, what she didn't know was that Liam decided to surprise me as well.

I explain everything to her. How he was so cute and apparently he had been crushing on me and how he promised me a milkshake, everything.

"Oh my gosh Taylor! He seems like really nice! What if he is?" Selena asks excitedly.

I shrug my shoulders. "Honestly I dot know, he could be just looking for a good time. Or just looking to get into my pants like, Ha-" I stop my self, gulping down my hatred for that night in New York. I wish I had never done it.

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