Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Wait What?! I jump up, gasping for air, immediately falling back down on something soft. A bed? Where am I? I open my eyes slowly, light intruding my sight. The walls are painted black and there’s pictures of.... oh, Justin Bieber everywhere. I’m still in his house aren’t I? How did I even get here? I sit up way too fast, causing my head to pound. I fall back down on my pillow, closing my eyes, I feel horrible. Sheesh, why does my head feel like shit? I’m confused until the events from last night play out in my head. Liam and I fell asleep on the beach and then I woke him up and I wanted to go crazy for some reason. We drank.... a lot. And I have to say it was pretty fun... and funny cause neither of us drink ever, but we hit the hay hard last night. Why am I so happy about getting drunk? Because it was with Liam. My subconscious reminds me. No it wasn’t, we’re only friends. 

Where is he anyways? Did he ditch me? My heart beats faster and faster, realizing that I probably embarrassed myself in front of him. Like I did Harry. My heart aches just thinking about Harry. Jesus Taylor, could you stop thinking about him for 5 seconds!? 

I hear a groan next to me, making me open my eyes and jump all at the same time. What the fuck!? I sit up, rubbing my eyes, looking over. I gasp, putting my hand over my mouth. There he is. Liam. Wow. He looks so ... cute. He’s shirtless laying harmless, nuzzled in the covers with his many tattoos showing. My parents weren’t ever big on boys with tattoos until, you know... Harry. I look down at his arm tattoo that reads “Everything I Wanted But Nothing I’ll Ever Need”. That’s literally so powerful. I wonder what it means to him. What does he want? Does he want what I want? Does he want a wife and a family? Does he want to finally be ... happy? Does he have everything he wants? Do I have everything I want? I don’t even know anymore.

“Like what you see?” He grumbles from under the covers, making me jump. Oops, didn’t really realize I was staring at him. 

“Babe I didn’t mean to scare you.” He laughs, turning on his back looking up at me. 

“Hi.” I say, smiling rather shyly. He just smiles adorably at me, earning a confused look from me, then causing him to burst out laughing.

“What!?” I croak, voice cracking, sending me in hysterics.

“We’re literally laughing at nothing aren’t we?” Liam says, putting his arms behind his head, still looking up at me. 

“Yeah.” I sigh, looking out the window, seeing Justin’s huge backyard.

“You look kinda cute in that.” Liam says teasing me. My eyes widen. I didn’t realize I changed.... until now. I look down, and see I’m wearing Liam’s t-shirt over my underwear. That’s it. That’s all I’m wearing.  

He must of noticed my tomato red face, cause now he’s laughing. I can’t help but smile.

“What even happened last night!?” I ask, not remembering myself. This ought to be good.

“You know what? I don’t even remember. I do know I’m on a massive hangover.” He laughs.  

I smile and it stays silent for a while until I have the nerve to ask. 

“You don’t think we....” I start to say, instantly regretting saying it once I see his adorable smile, turn into a frown. Why do I have to make everything so serious!? We’re only friends.

“No! No I would never take advantage of you like that.” My cheeks burn bright red. I’m just so used to being well....used. I know it’s horrible. But everyone who ever has “loved” me has a fascinating way of tricking me. I wish I could just tell Liam everything. He’d probably leave me like everybody else though. 

“I know... I’m sorry Liam.” I say, looking down at my feet.

“Hey it’s all good.” He says, patting my back. 

Liam’s POV

Why is she so.... shy? I didn’t peg Taylor Swift as the shy type. I mean from what Harry told me, she’s really straight forward and funny and all this other shit. But if she was so good, why did he leave her? 

He’s been so weird lately. 

I rub her back, seeing her tense up a little. Am I scaring her? She’s so closed off... like she’s protecting herself from something. 

“Liam?” She surprises me by moving closer to me, laying down next to me. Her face is so beautiful. The fact that she was crying makes me want to fight whoever caused her that pain. 

Probably my fans. They wouldn’t ... would they? 

I almost ask, before she continues.

“What does this mean?” She asks, picking up my arm, swiping the pad of her thumb over my “Everything I Wanted But Nothing I’ll Ever Need” tattoo. 

I sigh, thinking of my confusing concept of this tattoo.

Taylor’s POV

He sighs, looking like he’s thinking about something.

“When I got it, everything in my life was sort of blowing up and I was pissed off. I mean I still sort of am I guess and ...” He trails off, looking up at the ceiling. He’s pissed off? About what? 


“What the fuck!?” I don’t even have to look over to see who it is.

“Harry.” I say, sitting up. He’s drunk. No doubt about that. His hair’s everywhere and his eyes are dark and bloodshot red. Why has he been drinking? He told me he’d stop after the accident. Fuck Harry.

“Taylor, you’re really sleeping around again!?” Ouch. His words slur and I feel my heart aching. Why is he even here!? 

“Harry I don’t sl-”

“Come on Haz, I’ll go get you some .. some ... water.” Liam hesitates, not daring to look at me. Oh great. 

Harry just shrugs, not taking his eyes off me. 

“Meet you down there.” He mumbles to Liam as he walks to God knows where. My heart’s racing, me and Harry alone in a room for the first time since we were dating. I feel the heartbreaking tension between us. God I hate this. 

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