Chapter 4

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Yay thank you all for reading so far! Make sure to follow my Instagram @tiedtogethet13!

Chapter 4:

Ed's obviously oblivious to the whole situation that took place earlier, but I know Harry isn't.

"Hey." Harry says, his raspy voice sends chills down my spine, bringing back distant memories. My nervousness is at its peak when I try to reply, but I can't even speak. I look at him, with pain in my eyes, causing him to look down, ashamed almost? I doubt it. I'm nothing to him anyways.

"Are you alright?" He asks, obviously talking about earlier. Before I can answer, the door bursts open, and I'm surprised to see, the rest of his band, One Direction walk straight into my dressing room. Um ok. I immediately move away from Harry, avoiding his gaze, and I stand behind Ed.

"HEY ED!" One of them screams. They all laugh and acknowledge Ed's existence while I awkwardly stand behind him.

Then I see the blonde one, Niall appear. I like Niall. He's funny and he likes my music apparently.

"Taylor!" He pulls me into a bear hug, causing me to laugh.

"Hey Niall! Long time no see!" I say. He's really nice, and his Irish accent adds so much more personality to him.

"Yeah! I can't wait to hear you and Ed tonight." He nods, waking over to the food table, taking every substance in his mouth.

I greet the rest of the boys the same, and Liam comes last. He actually talks to me, while the other boys tease each other.

"Hey Taylor!" He pulls me into a hug, wrapping his muscular arms around me. Why is this so comforting? It's not Taylor, shut up.

"Hey Liam!" I smile. Was the smile too much? What if he thinks I'm desperate? Jesus! Stop over thinking it Taylor. You've only talked to him like three times.

"How are you? We haven't talked in a long time." He says, leaning against the wall.

"I'm ok. Hmmm I wonder why." I say making a funny face to his "we haven't talked in a long time" remark, obviously and he knew it too, it's cause me and Harry broke up. Doing this, makes him laugh, causing me to laugh too. Oh my gosh his laugh and voice and everything is sending me over the edge. What in the world?Stop it Taylor. Stop. He probably doesn't even like you, the press is usually wrong.

"Yeah I'm still sort of confused why you stopped talking to me." He teases me, with a smirk. He's so easy to talk to. All my nerves have suddenly disappeared. There's a knock on the door before I can answer his remark.

It's one of the TCA coordinators.

"Taylor and Ed, you're on in 10, be under the stage in 5 please." She says before closing the door.

"Ok well I have to get dressed, so I'll see you guys later." I say opening the door, Ed walks out first, and everyone follows, Harry avoids any eye contact with me, good. I don't need him penetrating my life anyways, but at the same time it hurts. How could he have forgotten me that quickly? My heart skips a beat when I realize, Liam's last to leave.

"If you kill this performance, I'll buy you a drink." Liam winks, causing me to burst out laughing.

"What?" He says, smirking at me.

"I'm not into drinking that much." I admit, shrugging my shoulders.

"Hey same! I don't drink that much either, just thought I'd offer. How about milkshakes then?" He says, laughing at my pleased face. I absolutely love milkshakes.

"Milkshakes it is!" I high five him, before closing the door behind him.

Wait what just happened? I'm smiling like an idiot. Taylor, calm down, he was kidding.

I change into my red skater skirt and my white collared shirt, putting my hair in a ponytail and I put on my black oxfords. I grab my guitar, still smiling as I walk backstage, finding Ed waiting for me under the stage.

"What are you so smiley about?" Ed teases me as the sound people hook up the mic to my guitar and me.

I shrug, leaving it a mystery. Honestly, I don't even know why I'm smiling. I guess it's just cool to meet someone new who makes me, I don't know, Happy. I better kill this performance.

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