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Day 3

How does it feel when you see your CRUSH?

How does it feel when someone ADMIRES you?

..who would have thought that all of us had been in that kind of situation.

That moment when your heart beats abnormally because he/she passes right in front of you, sits right next to you, or when he/she talks to you.

Love? Puppy love? Or whatsoever you may call it, if you really dig in and think about it, we can say that LOVE is so MAGICAL.

Love. It is something that all of us are dreaming and asking for ( somehow ) but we can't deny the fact that it is.

We have different experiences when it comes to love.
We have different stories to tell; but one thing in common, it's THE FEELING.

The Feeling. That palpitation in your chest, that beat that seems to be so loud, that weirdness you feel inside your stomach, it's all the same. And the way on how we SMILE when they're around or just by staring at them, it's the same.

It is not bad to feel those stuff as long as we all know our LIMITATIONS, as long as we know our PRIORITIES, as long as we know how to CONTROL it. Actually, it's a good thing, why? Because this will become as one of our motivations to strive hard ( in a good way, of course ).

Yes, we love that so called kilig moments  with him/her, without noticing, you just keep on smiling, trying to reminisce those good times and kulitan moments you had.

We particularly know that feeling because it would be way too impossible for someone not to have felt that, I mean maybe not now but in time.

Just like being admired.

If someone says that they admire you for this and that, thank them, because not all human being would admire you just like that person who admires you sincerely.

And if you're being admired, don't be a scumbag, don't brag or boast about it.

Keep it simple, don't show off, because being you is what matter the most.

You really don't need to be the center of attraction.

You being admired may be cool and amazing but you don't need to shout at them or be rude to them and if you don't want to be admired, if you're not comft'able with that thought,  just at least be thankful and don't be ruthless.


Simple yet meaningful.

A simple reminder :

Love is too magical to be true.
We intend to believe in destiny, fate, fantasies that we forgot what reality is.

They're things that happens for a reason, and that reason? Who knows?

You, yourself will know that reason in the end.

A:N /

Hey guys! I was just listening to music and this thought came into my mind so I immediately jot it down.

Hoped you liked it.

Short update. :)

Sapience Of LifeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon