What If

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New update! So this one seems to be a bit daunting for me because of its simple topic yet its dreamy words caught me off guard. I do hope that you'd still enjoy this one!

I feel silly with this. I don't know if this is worth the time to read. Hahaha! I feel so dumb. >__________<

Title requested by Ed Deoquino

Day 39

What if, Ill loose my sight? Will I still savour and witness the wonders of this world?

What if, things were stable? Will endless wars and ruthless chaos still linger?

What if, I'm alone? Will I find home and safety outside these walls?

What if, I'll only have today? Would that be enough for me to thank all allies who truly cared for me?

What if, I've never found out about Him? Will He still be my merciful Father?

What if, I'll end this here? Will you be contented?

What if, I can't find the right words to revise this? Will I truly succeed?

What if, I'll say, you've been in my mind for the rest of the day? Would you find it lovely or are you going to be distracted?

What if, I'll laugh at this stupid thought? Am I gonna sound ill and absurd?

Our lives is full of uncertainties, just as like saying "what if". Bundles of words are occupying my brain yet I haven't figured out what are the exact words to put some sense in this specified topic.

I guess, "what ifs" will be that. What if I never accepted this title? Will I be able to realize that there are things in this world that I can never give justice? That it will remain as "what if" and that's it?

Sapience Of LifeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon