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Day 4

If problems comes your way, how will you face it?

Most people experience this kind of trials in everyday life. If good things comes our way the mirror itself is also present, which is the bad things; and when I mean bad, I mean "problems".

Though it's inevitable. No one can run away from it.


It's a roll call for us to be brave, to be strong and be ready for what will come.

Problems can bring us down, if we let it get in our way BUT problems can bring us up if we think in a positive way.

1:13 am

Problems. When we hear that word it's like "Geez. I'm having a hard time now." "I'm so stressed" "Can I still do it" etc.

Yeah, problems are way too stressful. Why? Because if you're having a problem you'll be stressed out of finding a solution on how to solve or resolve it as early as possible.

Problems are no joke, it may be not that big or worse but it is still troublesome.

You'll drown just by thinking on how to get away from it, on how to overcome it. And sometimes we even lose ourselves, we intend to forget the greatest solutions of all.

If we have problems, first thing to do is kneel down & talk to HIM. Ask for HIS guidance, ask HIM to help you, ask HIM to take away the burden & lastly ask HIM SINCERELY.

You have nothing to lose if you'll call HIS NAME but instead you have everything to gain.

Sometimes problems are a blessing in disguise and it's the greatest test that we must all encounter. Because through this our faith and trust in HIM is what really matters the most.

Life may give you a lot of problems to worry, don't turn your back, instead say the words "bring it on, I know that I can make this through".

With God's grace and love, we can surpass those problems, He will definitely take those worries away and make it a better life for you.

Problems are also lessons in life that we need to understand, analyze and it must be learned. It's not easy but it's all worth it.

Reminder :

Problems may come a million times but God will be with us even if it is a bumpy ride.
He will make it all worth it for us to be ready and surely learn from it.

Smile. Stop frowning.
You're way too beautiful to stop seeing the good things in life. Even if you're having a hard time MAKE IT THE BEST that it could ever be!

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