Plausible Illusion

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Dedicated to McKinley

This is pretty interesting. The topic he suggested is odd and playful :)

Day 31

What I've seen is what I've thought
It's real yet there's something wrong. I continued believing not knowing what's the cause.

Opened my eyes it's still the same, nothing changed, nothing felt so great than this enthralling scene. So magical, so perfect, the feeling is everlasting.

Thrilling and challenging, took a step in this perfect world where no one's killing and dying nor suffering and hurting; only captivating smiles can be seen in their gallant doings.

Delighted to what's happening, can't even tell that this is the world I'm living. It's so perfect and pure, not even the figments of bloodshed is present. No chaos, no bogus, not even the sound of bombing is audible.

Four steps taken, wait, what' going on? Why all of this is slowly vanishing? Just right before my eyes, awhile ago, all things were so calm and in order, now, what's with the sudden change of this perfect world I'm stepping?

Everyone's wounded and crying endlessly, this is not supposed to be happening, now things gone wrong and it's unpleasant to just stay calm and do nothing.

I frowned to what I see and even surprised to know that I was only deceived! Rascal creatures are everywhere why can't they just surrender and end this battle where no one's gonna be the winner?

Why can't we just help one another and make this country a better version for the upcoming youngsters? Serenity and truce, no fights nor bruise. This is what the world must be but some men are blinded to think that there's no place for such peace.

My hope won't end here, I'm aware that this is just a plausible illusion I'm in.
One day, I know there will come a day wherein all of us will be one and united!

Sapience Of LifeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon