Chapter 1

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One, two, three, four...

I counted the numbers up as the antique grandfather clock behind my father's desk chimed for each hour that had passed by.

4:00 p.m.

I had been at Trinity High for about four hours now.

My verdict?

If Satan and Hell decided to have a love-child in bedlock, their spawn would be my roommate, Abbey.

You know the line from Macbeth?

"Look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent under 't."

Yeah, that one.

Well, that was Abbey for you.

Oh, she was a pretty one. Absolutely gorgeous, with long flowing locks of shiny brown hair and a matching set of shiny brown eyes. And her smile? It could melt butter it was so warm.

But it was all an act. A big, fat, freaking lie.

"Who are you and what are you doing in my room?" the beautiful brunette had asked.

I had been laying down on my back, upside down facing the ceiling, thinking of possible ways I could thwart the government and run away from this God-forsaken place, when she had walked in. I sat up, feeling dizzy as the blood rushed from my brain. I held my head, watching the room spin.

"I'm Caley. I'm your roommate," I had said when she finally came back into focus. She groaned loudly, not trying at all to mask her annoyance.

"This is so dumb. The whole point in me paying extra was so I could have my own room," she said, more to herself than to me. I frowned at her.

"Trust me, I wouldn't be here if I could help it," I said to her. She just rolled her eyes at me and then put her hands on her hips as she examined my appearance. I was wearing a red and blue plaid shirt with a pair of black skinny jeans, my worn out Chucks, and my black thick-framed glasses.

"Your hairstyle is so 2009. No one wears bangs like that anymore," she told me, flipping her own shiny hair over her shoulder. I raised my eyebrows at her.

"Well, at least my hair was in at some point in time," I had retorted with a shrug. I got up and faced her, drawing myself up to her height. "But I don't recall "being a bitch" ever being in style," I added. I smirked in victory as I saw her pretty little face scrunch up in anger. "Careful, if you do that too long, it might stay that way forever," I warned her, moving back to my position on my bed. "But maybe in your case, that wouldn't be such a bad thing," I said.

I guess that was the last straw for her. She had stormed out of the room, then, leaving behind an invisible cloud of flowery perfume and anger.

That's why I was sitting here in my father's office now. He's the dean of the school, you see. The big guy with all the power; the equivalent to a principal. I got sent to the dean's office and I had only been in the school for four hours. I guess that was some sort of record. Personally, I thought I should get a prize or something. When I suggested this to the secretary as I waited to be called into the office, she didn't think it was very funny.

"Caley, I know you don't want to be here, but you're going to have to cooperate," my father said.

"Am I supposed to call you Dean Lucia? Or can I call you Dad?" I asked, ignoring what he said. He frowned at me. Abbey blinked.

"What? You're his daughter?" she asked, leaning forward.

"What about Michael? Can I call you that? Since, you know, you're not much of a father," I said, my attention still directed on my father.

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